Sundeelia: Taking a Break
A few of you may have noticed that I have cut back on what I post and indeed, what I have been writing, especially during the past week. I have been dealing with some health-related issues – no, I am not going to share what is a private matter on this platform. Still, I guess I have been feeling rather sad, disappointed, and tired. Every time I manage to begin listening to a bit of intel, I see that the so-called take-down is taking longer than originally anticipated. I suppose that is to be expected considering the alien control structure has been in place on this planet for thousands of years – the time varies from one account to another. And then, when I see a photo of some video talking about the misuse or abuse of sacred human life, it makes me sick. I find I just long to go Home to my own husband and babies, to be held and hold my loved ones close, as I shake my head at what has been allowed to hold sway on this beautiful planet. It is beyond comprehension for one such as myself. I attempt to hold the immaculate concept of the New Earth, to send love and the Violet Flame to all that is being revealed understanding that the dark subconsciousness of humanity needs to be exposed to the Light so humanity can see it for themselves, but it still hurts.
You may not believe it, but our cultures upon many of our Pleiadian Isles, large and small, are very conservative. At Home, my people wear gowns and robes, similar to the native garments once worn by peoples in the Middle East. We do not have crystal cities. My town is built of adobe and sandstone, with white-washed walls, walled gardens, a town square, 18 beautiful family temples with colorful towers. The town has hardly more than one main street and most people walk to where they need to go. If traveling to another town or city, they take a public shuttle or perhaps a private viscar (a small conveyance like a small private plane). A person from the Middle East would be very comfortable living in such a place, only we have few animals like dogs, horses, or camels. Our Felines walk on two legs and are members of my personal guard, my Eagles, that I am required to keep even here at Home.
When people greet each other in the street, they nod and wave or if they stop to speak to each other, the males bow and the females curtsy, depending on rank. Everyone is polite, kind, and generous. Everyone works for a living. No one starves or goes without. All of our people are housed, educated, informed, and works according to their given talents, depending on their family’s background. Children are loved. They are polite, quiet, and cooperative. No one plays loud music on radios and televisions; we do not have such technology. All families have a comm or video screen at home where children take their lessons and news is shared. There is no email or social media, yet news travels quickly. Our people are all telepathic. There are no liars. All are respectful of each other’s privacy when privacy is required.
When we have gatherings, whether just family members or a whole village or town, everyone sings, plays an instrument or dances. We are a creative people and prefer to make our own music, not listen to canned music. We make our own garments if we have the time and talent as we do not like to follow fads. There are no fads or passing fancies in our worlds. What works is kept. One family are stone masons and have been stone masons for centuries. Another person builds cabinets and learned his trade from his grandfather and uncle. Another person is a master gardener. Every house, big and small, has a garden where we raise vegetables, herbs, and fruit, according to what will grow in our climate. And we purchase more fruits and vegetables at the twice weekly markets that are held in the town square.
Our traders are Morovians, a tribal people from another Isle, Morova. They have always been traders and used to be nomadic, traveling from one oasis to another on their own desert planet before taking to the stars and traveling across our federation in small but sturdy trading vessels. Morovians have always been the traders in goods – every kind of goods imaginable. Why should anyone else take their jobs away. The Morovians are good at what they do, so they continue to do it.
Change comes seldom, but when it does, our people adjust. Change comes sometimes in the form of a person as many of our people have devoted long years of their own lives to living and serving on board our Command vessels. The Command is our military and is primarily based on board motherships, although ones that are far vaster in size than the nonsensical reports occasionally found in lurid ‘intel’ reports on Earth. Even the motherships of our inner fleet – those that guard the Isles of the Pleiadian Star Federation – measure some 125 miles or more across in diameter with several decks deep. The ones we have currently stationed in your solar system are huge, measuring 3,000 miles across in diameter (from sea to shining sea in North America) and are 43 decks deep.
Until recently, I served aboard one of the Command vessels stationed near Venus, your sister planet in Sol’s solar system. Nearly a year ago, I came home, newly mated (married) and have now given birth to two sons… yet, I am still officially a member of the Command, an officer, something that is different and new, as I am a female. Typically, females who go into the Command do not mate and certainly do not have children. My husband is a commander, also. And we will continue to serve our people here at Home, working together with a branch of the service that works with ship development. It is a project that I once started in another life but was forced to shut down due to the war and circumstances. I have returned to complete the project, that I didn’t even remember until a small portion of my consciousness came to your world and began writing out a series of remembrances of once intensely lived lives.
I didn’t expect to mate before returning fully Home, but I did. Change came into my life and now it will enter into the lives of our people as they adjust to seeing the Lady of Jolf wearing one of the Command uniforms consisting of silver white jumpsuits and calf-high boots striding down the street with her mate at her side so they may fly their little golden ship to their jobs on the adjoining continent. Of course, I will not be doing this… going anywhere until my new sons are fully weaned and have begun their education at age two. At age three, they will be sent off to school for their first formal education. They will already be aware of what their primary interest and direction of their lives will take. They were just born, but I know each of my boys wants to be an engineer so they can work on the ships of our project as well. In a past life, one was a commander and the other man was an engineer, both good friends of me… who was then also a male. We remember.
Of course, I will wear a cloak over my form-fitting uniform. Women on our Isle are proud of their beautiful bodies but do not flaunt them by wearing scanty or close-fitting garments. We are a respectful and conservative people. Women are honored for being mothers, priestesses, healers, shamans, artisans, cooks, and hearth-keepers… and now, commanders and support staff for the largest employer of all, the Pleiadian Command. Yes, change is a constant in life, no matter what planet or Isle you live upon. Yet, change can be moderated.
Right now, on Earth, change is coming fast and furious. People are being pressured to ‘wake up’ or to continue conforming to forces outside of themselves that appear to be contrary to the laws of nature. Darkness and evil is being revealed at a staggering rate, yet people are afraid to look, to see, to understand; they are in denial, they acquiesce to harsh demands, they refuse to fight back. Frankly, I don’t understand it. We fought back, stood our ground, and eventually won free from the attacks being made upon our worlds, and have remained free ever since.
I am homesick and soul-weary. I will not be posting often for a while until I can move through these feelings. I know better than to attempt to suppress them.
Send me questions if you want me to write something. I may or may not.
I guess I just need a break and I want to go Home. Who could blame me?
I AM Sundeelia
(c) All Rights Reserved, Eliza Ayres, and