he New Moon in Aries is Sunday, April 11 at 8:30 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)


Dear Friends,

The New Moon in Aries is Sunday, April 11 at 8:30 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)


This moon brings up the physical body, the condition of your health, re-evaluation of the structure of your self-care, and a reflection of what needs to change in your daily organization of life. Be sure to take some time to reflect and evaluate. The dynamic energy of this new moon will give much fuel and ignition to any changes and choices you make for improvement however it can also trigger negative reactions, impatience and irritability as you face uncomfortable truths and challenges. Don’t take your discomfort out on others and remember to be kind no matter what.

Make sure not to make decisions out of fear or being pressured by others. Take your time, check in with your own intuition and what feels right. A new moon always supports personal decisions that must include your own timing, not pressured by others.

There is a part of us during this volatile and dynamic time that wants to see justice around what was done to us and how we have suffered either personally or collectively in the past. There is potential anger and attitude towards righting the wrongs and our personalities would love to see the alleged perpetrators go up in flames. However, the responsible and mature thing to do is to forgive the past, let go of your attachment to suffering and harness this fiery, creative energy to move yourself forward in the most positive way.



Copyright © 2021 The Power Path, All rights reserved.

Join Anna for a very helpful remote shamanic healing working with the influences of this new moon. Monday, April 12, at 7PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)
EARTH DAY CELEBRATION on April 22, 2021! Join the Society for Shamanic Practice, Jose and Lena, and other board members for a one day virtual immersion event honoring our Mother Earth. This is a great opportunity to take time on this important day to connect with the Earth and the new energies that are available to us in this time of transition. For more information or to register please go to http://bit.ly/EarthAwareness

Join Anna for a very helpful remote shamanic healing session working with the influences of this new moon. Monday, April 12, 2021 at 7 PM MDT.


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