Quantum New Earth – Blue Ray Rising (the Trifurcation)by Eliza Ayres |
Quantum New Earth – Blue Ray Rising (the Trifurcation)
Magenta Pixie
April 2021 as seed point into trifurcated reality, three world split. Gamemaster blue ray genius expression in cyberspace virtual reality, spearheaded by top banana of the American domain. The Nine present the monadic download with keycodes and immunity energetic packets as transmission through Magenta Pixie. Visuals for the New Earth template ready for manifestation and actualisation through pineal gland technology with the awake, aware, truth leader and starseeded humanity.
Nature itself cannot be outrunned, mastered, or destroyed. The dream of the controllers will never manifest. The starseeds are the answer to the control agenda, which will FAIL. The starseeds and their environment are ONE.