February Ascension Energies – Embracing Your Uniqueness by Jamye Price


February Ascension Energies – Embracing Your Uniqueness



In all of time and space, you are unique. Areon says this constantly so that you deeply take in your sacredness to life. Yet, it is a paradox as well. Many years ago I was shown that our DNA is .0000000000000000001% unique. That is a lot of similarity, but it is still unique.

The difference is essentially your space and time, which creates a slight difference in your experience. But from a linear, magnified perspective that .0000000000000000001% is a chasm of uniqueness.

At the core of the information is a similar drive towards Love, though we could call that many different things. Our desires are the same with the differences of your unique time and space, your dimensional expression, your perspective (all synonyms) that creates your unique information of interaction with Life.


Our likes, dislikes, choices, actions, perceptions, desires—these slightly unique information resonances create the rainbow of interaction that propels and attracts the forming of life. What a powerful gift—that Life gives itself to you unconditionally to create its form.

If you’re in a moment of anger, sorrow, repression or dominance, Life gives itself to you unconditionally. If you’re in a moment of Love, Life gives itself to you unconditionally. If you choose to elevate life or destroy life, it gives itself to you unconditionally. That non-judgment is the broader flow. But it’s not without consequence.


Creation creates. In space and time, the density you experience, creation is creating through you—the blessing of you. Your courage to come into the density of forgetting and death offers a choice to remember and flourish.

February energy of Embracing Your Uniqueness is calling you to remember and flourish. Do you remember that Life nurtured you before birth, as you resided in full remembrance, full connection? That you knew so deeply that the call of Love birthing forth was quaking into the Earth experience as the density was just beginning to blossom into new form?


Do you remember that you knew Love so completely that within a perpetrator you saw pain blocking innocence? That within greed you saw fear of incapability? That within dominance you saw forgetting so poisonous that vomiting it out seemed the only solution.

Do you remember that you knew Love so powerful that universes of space and time flow into its arms? Love so powerful that poison is transformed into renewed strength, that greed dies alone and fearful only to be embraced into All is Love.

Love so powerful that dominance is but a cookie for a king, playing pretend that the invisible isn’t real and the mighty mind has outsmarted time. Do you remember that through forgetting and death comes remembering and renewal?


You are unique in all of time and space.

Embrace your Uniqueness as Life flows through you. Allowing the invisible to remember that all is seen. Allowing time to forecast that all is known. Allowing you, blessed being, to create. As universes, as all of time and space, has embraced you to do.

What a gift you are to Life.

January Ascension Energies – Focus

Jamye Price is an author, energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living.


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