Universal Law and Covid – a new article from Sandy Stevenson January 2021



Universal Law and Covid

This concerns Violations of Universal Law regarding the Covid vaccination and the Higher Realms consequent action in voiding some detrimental ingredients.

The following information is now available in the Higher Realms and recorded in the Akashic Records, available for anyone to view. It is suggested each person seek their own truth concerning this, from inner Knowing, Intuition, Silence or Meditation. Until we take such steps acting in Mastery, we are allowing ourselves to believe rather than apply our inherent ability of Higher Consciousness to ‘Know’.

The vaccine for the planned Covid virus has had its ingredients tempered down by the Higher Realms. This follows a request by the Light Force on Earth who hold the Right to request the Higher Realms to intervene when Universal Law has been violated. In the case of the Covid vaccination, a violation has arisen from the deception involved in deeming the vaccine to be safe and stating it will prevent and eradicate the Covid virus, and do this in a manner beneficial to humans.

There was an attempt made to avoid breaking Universal Law by giving an apparency of truth when they named the vaccine Luciferase (Lucifer) and WO/2020/060606 (666). This attempt was unsuccessful as they failed to list the full ingredients, or give its intended purpose and they falsely claimed that the vaccine was beneficial

This act of deception concerning the Covid vaccine is beyond the realms of deception permitted within the 3rd dimensional learning plane. The intent and the process used to create this vaccine and the failure to accurately state that intention and the process being used, has failed to present the human race with the necessary facts that would accurately permit them to make an informed choice. This vaccine has the potential to affect humanity globally in an adverse way and to interfere with the evolution of a race. In addition, it can greatly affect all life forms on Earth, which would become neglected.

Therefore, owing to the violation of Universal Law through a failure to disclose to the majority of the human population on Earth that administering a Covid vaccine with active nano technology ingredients being delivered in any form, at any time, now or in the future, to any human being, could cause harm and have an adverse effect with possible permanent damage – the Elohim have now declared such ingredients null and void.

NOTE: The vaccine also contains ingredients that have been officially documented and are available to the public, such as named preservatives known to cause reactions in people with medical conditions, allergies or immune system weaknesses. Because those ingredients have been declared publicly, they will remain in the Covid vaccine and cannot be made void. But this applies only to those ingredients whose content is a matter of public record, and that information is available globally to humanity.  Because the contents are stated for all to see, there is no deception and consequently, there is no violation of Universal Law. Reactions causing illness and death may result from the ingredients left in the vaccines. So each individual needs to understand that even though the nanoparticle base has been made null and void, the vaccine can still cause harmful reactions, even serious ones, due to the ingredients that remain in the vaccine. Adverse reactions would apply more to those people with allergies and weakened immune systems.

If we look at this from the higher perspective of the evolution of humanity and Divine Order, we can see that as the Higher realms have left these publicly listed ingredients in the vaccine, it offers further learning to the human population regarding handing their power away. If there were no reactions at all to this vaccination, people would deem it be safe and likely allow further vaccinations in future. Humanity would also lose this present opportunity to stand up for their Rights and to come together in People Power, which is a major Divine goal for humanity on Earth.

Before the Higher Realms of Light reverse or handle actions that violate Universal Law, every aspect of that decision is carefully considered. One example is as follows. The blueprints for the ingredients that were removed are stored in the etheric realms and in the Akashic records. Under the Universal Law of Free Will and Choice, if an individual is consciously aware of the nano-technology that was intended to be present in the Covid vaccine and wishes to have that, for whatever reason (possibly thinking it beneficial), they have the right to do so as it did exist in the 3D world. What would happen in such a case is that the individual’s I Am Presence will take an imprint from the stored blueprint of the voided ingredient or ingredients and download that into the etheric field of that individual. However, that would only be for that one individual and would be programmed in such a way as to ensure it was not passed on in any way, which would include any children being born. It is estimated this type of event would apply to no more than 10 individuals.

From my understanding, although there will still be adverse reactions from what remains in these vaccines and perhaps death in some instances for people whose immune system is compromised, the major destructive adverse component  –  the nanoparticle-based DNA and RNA ingredient – is gone. I checked and triple checked this information and had an audience with the Elohim to receive absolute confirmation. The nano-particle aspect of the vaccine was made null and void PRIOR to the very first public vaccination given.

RE THIS NEW TYPE OF VACCINE AS OPPOSED TO HOW VACCINES USED TO BE: This new class of DNA-and RNA-based vaccines deliver the genetic sequence of specific viral proteins to the host cells using nanotechnology platforms. Traditional vaccines instead trigger immune responses upon injection of entire viruses into the body, either as attenuated live viruses, inactivated viruses or engineered viruses.

This positive information that the DNA altering component is gone doesn’t mean we can breathe a big sigh of relief and do nothing. We can breathe a sigh of relief, but then we take action. We are not meant to lessen or stop our protesting against the Covid vaccine in every way, including refusing to have it or exposing the real content of the injection and the intent behind it to take control of the world’s population. Those actions are needed to assist humanity to take back its power.

Everything has a higher perspective and all fits into Divine Order. The advent of the virus, regardless of its origin, has greatly helped humanity adapt to ‘change’ at an acceptable rate that did not overwhelm, which will assist them in what is to come. This is one of the greatest global pushes for humanity to recognise the sovereignty within and stand up for their Rights.  It is also a great test for every lightworker to maintain their frequency of light and stay out of fear and seriousness.

You know it is easy to be here and also be detached.

So Be It. So It Is. It is Done.

Hold the Light,

Sandy Stevenson

5th January 2021



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