January 28 Full Moon in Leo Posted January 26, 2021 by laurabruno


The Full Moon in Leo arrives on January 28 at 2:16 p.m. Eastern. This Full Moon gets amplified by Jupiter conjuncting the Sun in Aquarius. Jupiter expands, so this Full Moon gets extra oomph, while also squaring volatile Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Venus now meets Pluto, suggesting shifts in romance, relationships, arts, values and beauty. Relationships could end or deeply transform at this time. Focus on true intimacy and the regenerative power of love.

AstroButterfly gives a nice write-up describing the powerful T-square among the Sun/Jupiter in Aquarius, the Full Moon in Leo and Mars in Taurus. Given various dreams with a recurring T-square symbol or emphasis, I’m paying attention! You can click here to read the AstroButterfly write-up. It emphasizes the heart, a big Leo theme, and one I’m also paying attention to because this Full Moon at 9° Leo occurs very close to my own progressed Venus.

Speaking of Venus, the conjunction of Venus and Pluto at 25° Capricorn brings depth and intimacy to relationships, possibly bringing deeper commitment and beauty. Some things will become undeniable, as Venus, Goddess of Love, runs cleanup crew to all those earlier planets moving through Capricorn and conjuncting Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction at the same time of the Full Moon T-square and this intense Venus-Pluto contact suggests some kind of blessing. Ask to recognize and receive the blessing(s), because with all those intense energies, you might be tempted to look the other way.

One of the biggest things I notice about this Full Moon is that the asteroid Hygiea conjuncts the Full Moon at 9° Leo. In mythology, Hygiea was one of the daughters of Asclepius, the father of medicine. Hygiea deals with hygiene, but also “preventative medicine.” As we continue in the miasma of ongoing astro energies — including Neptune squaring the collective nodal axis — we would be wise to ask ourselves, “What kind of preventative medicine can I employ in my life?” Neptune squaring the collective nodal axis brings confusion about where we’ve been and where we’re headed — as a collective. We can’t know the exact outcome or how we got where we find ourselves right now, but we can strengthen and support our health, on all levels.

Which healthy habits keep you balanced? What conversations might help with emotional balance in relationships? Is it time for a cleanse of some sort? Would you benefit from a salt water bath, or more fresh veggies and green juices?

The Sabian Symbol for Hygiea and this Full Moon is 10° Leo (always round up unless it’s exactly the degree and 00′). According to Dane Rudhyar:


KEYNOTE: The exalted feeling that rises within the soul of the individual who has successfully passed through the long night which has tested his strength and his faith.

You can read more by clicking here. To me, this underscores that blessings are available if we lean into the energies of this Full Moon. Explore and honor our deepest feelings, trust our hearts, clear out the crud, and prepare for “Transfiguration.” That’s the final keyword of this degree. 11:11 a.m. as I type this!

Transfiguration refers to a powerful transformation event, and it has religious overtones. In Christianity, “Transfiguration” refers to Jesus on the mountain, when he becomes “radiant in glory” in front of his disciples. The Full Moon occurs right at this “Transfiguration point,” and it’s a Full Moon opposite the Sun (light) conjunct Jupiter (king/expands everything he touches) in a T-square to Mars (personal will), while Venus (love) conjuncts Pluto (the Shadow and the depths) — all while Hygiea offers preventative healing to “the soul of the individual who has successfully passed through the long night which has tested his strength and his faith.”

I can’t say exactly what this means for everyone (Neptune’s still squaring the collective nodal axis!) … but it feels powerful and holy. Something big is going on throughout all these long, slow, intense transits punctuated by potent conjunctions and the ebb and flow of the Moon. Take some time in the coming days to commit more deeply to your own healing and radiance.



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