Beloved Rainbow Scribe Family, We are now into the last month of an unprecedented year of non-stop challenges! I share with you the following heartwarming email I received from one of our Rainbow Scribe family members:
Dear Marlene,
My name is Susan Blackwell and I’ve been meaning to write to you for the past few years. I want to thank you for the beautiful and meaningful work you do… Your messages from Hilarion not only have been a huge gift to me but also kept my mom alive during her final battle with cancer. She passed away in December 2017 – shortly after your mom made her final transition. In fact, it was your Hilarion Connection Update on Dec. 1, 2017 (which I unfortunately no longer have) that contained news about your mom’s passing that provided the “sign” I needed to book my flight to Maine to be with my mom during her final days.
My mom battled cancer for more than 30 years… She went into remission several times over the years, but in Nov. 2014, the cancer returned and she became very depressed. My parents lived in Maine and I live in New Mexico, so it was a challenge to “be there for her” when she needed hope & healing. I had been working with Hilarion and other Ascended Masters and began researching Websites that might contain uplifting messages I could share with my mom.
I found your site and subscribed to receive your monthly messages – for myself and to share with my mom. I told her about Hilarion’s healing abilities and began sharing your monthly messages with her. She LOVED them and formed her own relationship with Hilarion, whom she talked to daily right up until her final transition. She asked me to share information about Hilarion, and also told me she hoped to work with him on the “other side.” I truly believe Hilarion and your monthly updates helped her and her quality of life between December 2014 and 2017. I can’t thank you enough!
I wish I still had your touching email from Dec. 2017 but I will never forget the effect it had. My mom was still battling cancer throughout 2017 but was relatively healthy and still able to drive and do the things she enjoyed. A few days before Thanksgiving when she saw her oncologist, her blood work revealed the Ibrance she had been taking was no longer effective and she would need to begin receiving IV chemo.
She decided quality of life was more important than quantity and decided not to receive chemotherapy. A few days after Thanksgiving, I flew to South Carolina for my niece’s wedding. Although it had only been a week since my mom received the news, her health rapidly declined and she was admitted to a local hospital. My niece’s wedding was Dec. 1st so I didn’t get a chance to read your December Hilarion Connection Update until Dec. 3rd. At that point, I was trying to decide if I should fly home or change my travel plans and fly to Maine. I recall telling my husband and sister that I would be “called” to Maine if I needed to be there. When your update arrived in my email, your message was the “sign” that I was being “called.”
Thankfully, I booked my trip that night and was able to be with my mom during her final six days. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I only wish I had written to you sooner, but with the anniversary of my mom’s passing coming up, I wanted to finally reach out and let you know how much you have helped my family and me. I continued to share the Hilarion updates with my dad, who passed away six months ago.
I always look forward to Hilarion’s updates and appreciate all Family of Light messages! You and your work are making the world a better place! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love Susan
My Reply…Beloved Susan!
She replied: I would also like to thank you for your May 2020 Newsletter, in which you spoke about your healing experience with Sarah Smith at Hands of Healing. I had a healing session with Sarah on May 13th and not only released emotional & physical pain and had an amazing reunion with my Dad, who had just passed, but also gained such clarity about my role as a Lightworker.
Interesting side note: During my healing with Sarah, she removed an alien device that I was totally unaware of. When I read your June newsletter, I couldn’t believe that you also had a device removed. I contacted Sarah to ask her more about the device she removed from me, and she sent a decree that you sent her. I really appreciated having this and reading it aloud. Thank you for passing it on to Sarah to share with those of us affected by the alien devices.
It is truly amazing how much our paths have criss-crossed over the past 3 years! It’s also amazing how much your newsletters & messages have changed my life and the lives of my parents and others for the better. I am so thankful we have connected!
With love and gratitude, Susan.
Thank you, Susan! I am truly blessed to be a conduit of such love…it is why I am here on Earth!
Why this is a dangerous time for humanity is that, in order for life to go back to ‘normal’, humanity might be willing to let off-planet beings come in and ‘rescue’ them. Planet Earth is a coveted jewel in the multiverse…on this planet, we have so much more than their own home world’s and so they want to own this, our planet, which is our home. The only way they can do this is through mind control of the human population. It is best for humanity and planet Earth to become and stay self-sufficient and not beholden to outside forces for anything including their technology. It is time for humanity to wake up and get wise!
We need to restore our freedom and sovereignty by making conscious choices for the right to live our lives according to our dictates and not allow off-planet beings to take over and utilize Earth’s resources for their own purposes in exchange for their technology. We are in that battle right now to free ourselves from the previous controllers who had taken over our planet and our universe, millennia ago.
Intuitively and instinctively, I have begun to understand when I read about all these off-world beings claiming they were here before (eons ago) and want to help now, a warning bell goes off…I question why they are showing up in so many messages as being benevolent benefactors of humanity. Make no mistake, some of these beings ARE friends of humanity – such as the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, Andromedans, Orions, Alpha Centareans, Lyrans, Tau Ceti’s, and Timmers.
But there are many others whom I question…I sense they want a foothold here on Earth while we are vulnerable as we go through the ascension process and it has nothing to do with altruistic intentions or true caring about humanity. They only want to control our planet. In order to do that, they have to dupe humanity into believing in their benevolence and acquiesce our power and sovereign rights and freedoms over to them. We need to get clear on this now so that we are in a position of control over the kind of world we wish to live on according to the dictates of the collective of humanity for OUR highest and greatest good.
I say, we are no longer willing to be slaves- acquiescing to the programming that off world entities have been programming into us…it is my deepest prayer and wish that humanity takes back their power from all such beings…we are a free will planet and free will citizens of it (this is rare throughout creation) and they cannot take over through force, according to universal laws…but can only ‘persuade’ us through their mind manipulations to hand our power over to them yet again…we are seeing the extent of this infiltration through the mainstream media reporters and journalists.
It is hard for Lightworkers during these times because many of us have body pain issues along with a constant onslaught of negativity fomented by the mainstream media but we must hold the Light, anchor it into the crystalline core of the Earth and stand firmly resolved in bringing heaven on Earth. You are the ones who can do this!
Keep on keeping on! I love you! Treasure each other through the holiday season and throughout the New Year! May it bring great Blessings to all!
Your friend, Marlene