NorthPoint Journal Nov 16 to 22, 2020

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
November 16 to 22, 2020
by Pam Younghans
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OUR PASSAGE through current times has been likened to moving through a birth canal. There is immense pressure on all sides and the process is at times very painful. At times it may feel like we’ll never emerge into the light – especially as we get near the end of the journey, where the canal is most narrow.
Along similar lines, I’m reminded of a quote from futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard that I shared in my webinar last January. This is paraphrased, scribbled in my notes from an interview I heard a few years ago:
“If we were to go into labor, but didn’t know we were about to give birth, we would think we were dying …”
THIS PROCESS of giving birth to a new timeline – and of being birthed ourselves into new form – is exhausting on all levels. Even as we continue to function in our lives, doing the work we are called to do, it is vital that we take considerable time for healthy self-care, and get as much rest as possible.
Planetary activity helps us track the course of this evolutionary process, giving us signposts and mileage markers. This past week, we experienced the third and final Jupiter-Pluto alignment, which has corresponded with what may be the strongest wave yet of the global pandemic. As noted last week, the two planets conjoined at the exact degree of last January’s Saturn-Pluto alignment, and thus were activating that tornadic influence as well.
THE EFFECTS of this Jupiter-Pluto event will ripple through our lives for a few weeks yet, perhaps easing more noticeably in mid December as Jupiter nears its ingress into Aquarius. Until then, personal activities will most likely be restricted as before, drawing us inward and compelling us to face and transmute the misqualified emotions that we find there.
On the one hand, we might say, “We’ve done this before, we can do it again.” But we also have been dealing with these challenges for so long that most of us are weary and feeling overwhelmed. And yet, it is often in our state of greatest vulnerability that we are most open to profound insights and growth.
IT’S LONG been anticipated that November 2020 be a powerful time, with all that’s going on astrologically. Last week was especially impactful as Jupiter and Pluto conjoined and Mars stationed direct. This coming week, we continue to make our way through the birth canal.
Adding to the complexity of these days, last night’s New Moon marked the beginning of a two-month-long eclipse season, opening us to the energies of the Lunar Eclipse that occurs on November 30. Eclipse seasons are always a time of significant shifts in awareness and circumstances, with enhanced opportunities to release karmic baggage and embrace a new future. This eclipse season lasts until the New Moon on January 12, with the highlight being the Total Solar Eclipse on December 14. 
WE ARE ALSO in the final phase, the completion days, before the Jupiter-Saturn alignment in Aquarius on December 21. As I’ll explain in more depth in Thursday’s webinar (and will write about in future Journals), this event marks a major shift point in the story of humanity, with links back to 20 years ago, 200 years ago, and even 600 years ago.
In preparation for this pivotal event, this “paradigm shift,” it makes sense that our primary work is to transmute and clear that which might interfere with our taking that next evolutionary leap. This is, at least in part, why there are so many deep issues converging now, like tributaries of a stream merging to form a river of change.
BOTH MERCURY and Mars are now moving direct, providing more support for our own forward motion. However, both planets are still in their post-retrograde “shadow phase.” This is the term given to the time after a planet goes direct until it passes the degree where it first went retrograde.
In especially complex times, such as what we are now experiencing, we may not see full resolution of issues that arose during the retrograde phase until after a planet emerges from its shadow. The end of Mercury’s shadow phase is on November 19, which will help free up information and communication. Mars doesn’t leave its shadow until January 2, at which point we should be feeling less restricted in our ability to take action and pursue our desires.
HERE are my thoughts on the day-to-day aspects for this week. The most significant days are Monday and Tuesday, with Eris in hard aspect to both Venus and Jupiter.
Venus opposite Eris, Jupiter square Eris: This is very contentious energy, with these three planets forming a cardinal T-square. Any time we see Eris involved in a hard aspect, we can expect controversy and divisiveness. Venus in Libra tries to bring about consensus, while Jupiter in Capricorn at the apex of the T-square represents potentially extreme reactions by those in charge. Eris is the catalyst for change, and is not overly concerned about what carts must be upended to fufill her aims.
Mercury opposite Uranus: Unexpected or surprising information may come forward, or communications could be very erratic. This is unstable mental energy, but can also open our minds to higher insights.
Sun sextile Saturn, Venus square Saturn, Venus enters Scorpio, Sun enters Sagittarius: Some starts and stops as we work to finalize issues that we’ve been working on for the past three to four weeks. We may experience a reality check in the areas of finances or relationships.
Sun sesquiquadrate Mars, Mercury quincunx Mars: Disagreements, angry words, self-righteousness, and judgmental attitudes as the clamors of “I’m right, you’re wrong” are especially loud.
Venus trine Ceres: This aspect perfects late Sunday night Pacific Time, providing a calming influence to end the weekend and the possibility of reconnection with family and loved ones.
WEBINAR THIS THURSDAY! I’ve been hard at work on the slideshow for my “Paradigm Shift” webinar on November 19 – and I can’t wait to share it with you! (See class description below or click here to register.) A couple of notes: 
If you’ve already registered: We sent out an email with the ZOOM link yesterday (Saturday, Nov 14). Please check to make sure you received that email from ( If you can’t find it in your inbox or spam folder, please contact Elsie (
If you have any questions about registering online: Please contact Elsie ( She’ll be able to help with any concerns about registering or payments.
If you’re not able to attend at air time, no worries! The class will be recorded. Everyone who registers receives links to the replay and slideshow, usually within 24 hours of the event.
When you register: You will receive a confirmation email from “” If you don’t see your confirmation email shortly after registering, please check your spam/junk folder and promotions tab.
(“If Your Birthday Is This Week” follows the class announcement.)
Paradigm Shift
A new dawn on the horizon
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Broadcasting LIVE on Zoom and Recorded for Replay
4 pm PST | 5 pm MST | 6 pm CST | 7 pm EST
One-hour class, $25 by PayPal or check
THE YEAR 2020 has been, by far, one of the most life-changing and disruptive years in our lifetimes, driven by the Saturn-Pluto alignment that occurred back in January. As we enter the closing weeks of this incredible year, we look to the planets to see what they can reveal about our next steps.
On the not-so-distant horizon is a very new energy: the much-anticipated Jupiter-Saturn alignment in Aquarius, which will perfect on Solstice Day, December 21. Although Jupiter and Saturn align every 20 years, this is the first alignment in Aquarius since the year 1405. It represents a significant paradigm shift for humanity, as well as a major impulse of energy into each of our individual lives.
In this class, we’ll talk in greater detail about that Jupiter-Saturn alignment and consider its effects, both globally and personally. We’ll also look beyond the immediate horizon and into 2021. We’ll explore the possible manifestations and higher purposes of the Saturn-Uranus square that accompany us throughout the year, as well as the ongoing effects of the dynamic Pluto-Eris square that has already stirred much social change. Adding another layer to our understanding of what’s ahead, we’ll also touch on the six eclipses – half of which are powerful Total Eclipses – that will occur from now through the end of 2021.
Please join us! Visit to register. If you have any questions about registering or payments, please contact Elsie Kerns at

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: While there are some hurdles to overcome, this can be a very powerful and productive year for you. The obstacles are likely to be in the form of short-term restrictions on your actions. But, as you apply patience to your situation, you will find emerging within yourself a new confidence and sense of direction that will successfully guide your next steps. Take advantage of the opportunities for advancement that are presented, but also resist the temptation to act too quickly or impulsively. (Solar Return Sun sesquiquadrate Mars, sextile Jupiter, sextile Saturn, sextile Pluto)

In Gratitude and Light,
orthPoint Journal © 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.


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