The Blending of Love and Fear by the Andromedans Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa


The Blending of Love and Fear by the Andromedans

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

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Greetings, we are the Andromedan Beings, we come as a collective vibration and frequency. We are known as one of the most evolved star being civilisation, within the Universe of the Creator. We come forth in service of the Creator and in service of you, for we wish to aid in the advance of the ascension process, this is our greatest purpose and desire. We fuel the ascension process with our energy, sharing wisdom, knowledge and understanding that we feel will assist the ascension of all. We share light frequencies, activations, sound frequencies, in truth we give all that we can and share all that is available to us with each soul embarking upon their ascension journey. Whether they are in existence on the Earth or on the inner planes, for the ascension journey continues beyond the Earth into the inner planes and beyond.

We the Andromedans come forth to guide you, we wish to speak about the blending of love and fear which is taking place upon the Earth now. Love is being empowered within each being and within the collective consciousness of humanity. Beings and souls are being invited to reach within themselves to learn to love themselves unconditionally, therefore making shifts and transformations in their perspective and their reality. To support their new found love for self, so much love is being anchored into the Earth by star beings, light beings, guides, and Mother Earth.

Each breathe you inhale holds the vibration of love, every action you experience, situation, and circumstance on the Earth encourages you to explore loving yourself unconditionally. The loving vibrations anchoring invite you to explore loving others unconditionally, loving society, countries, beings, in truth the whole world and the Earth unconditionally. To fully grasp this perspective, there will be a need for shifts within your perspective, there will be a need for letting go of fear.

We can see the empowerment of fear that is taking place now, we also recognise the empowerment of love when fear is being released, cleansed, and purified. There is a delicate balance with the energy and presence of fear within each being and upon the Earth that is being played out now. This delicate balance is the shift between releasing and dissolving fear and empowering love. We understand that you wish to release fear, especially from your being and to release its attachment, its grasp upon you, enabling you to exist in your power as a being of love. Fear will always be present, you may still experience fear, however it may not dominate your actions, decisions, well-being, and your truth.

Fear is a natural habit of your being, it supports and protects you when fear is maintained at the optimum level, when fear begins to influence your choices, your decisions, your actions, and reactions. We know that fear has been given too much power and this power may be given by you. There are many situations and experiences in your reality and in the world, some are created to empower fear. However, you have control, you have the responsibility of your own being, the way that you choose to react and act to certain situations and experiences. This means you can choose to empower fear, or you can recognise the fear and empower something else like love, gratitude, kindness, peace, trust, or divine inspiration. When you begin to observe fear differently, it no longer has a hold upon you, discovering how to maintain and remain in your power with greater ease.

As we have said there is a delicate balance taking place upon the Earth between love and fear, what we wish to propose is a blending of love and fear. This may sound inappropriate; it may not be to your liking. However, we the Andromedans feel it is appropriate currently.

What Do We Mean by Blending Love and Fear?

Blending is to unify, to mix, to synthesise. It signifies the two or more energies become one and this is what we believe is appropriate. We invite you in your own time to experiment with the blending of love and fear, recognising the presence of fear and blending it with love. What we propose is that within the blending process love and fear will enter a natural balance.  Love and fear already have a natural balance, however often within souls or beings on the Earth or circumstances and experiences, the blending of love and fear is out of balance. For example, maybe the blending of love and fear would be 80% love and 20% fear. Maybe in certain circumstances and experiences on the Earth it is more the other way around with 80% fear and 20% love. You do not need to know the percentage because love and fear when united always create a balance.

We proposed when you experience fear, recognising fear in yourself or others, that you bring in love and you ask for a unification and blending of love and fear whether within your being, within a certain circumstance or experience or another person. Trust that love and fear within your being can create an equilibrium, it will often be that fear is disempowered, and love is empowered. We are not dissolving or dispersing fear entirely because we understand that it has a purpose. We are instead creating the natural balance within your being, all beings. situations, experiences, and it is that balance that will empower you. We wish to return you to your natural essence and existence. We, the Andromedans, believe this to be very important now otherwise fear and love are battling, akin to love trying to overpower fear, fear trying to overpower love. It is important to remember when we allow these energies to merge, to blend they naturally find their own balance.

How Do You Allow Fear and Love to Create Balance?

When you recognise fear within your being, in a situation or another person, call forth the purest of vibration of love available to you in that moment. You can simply say;

‘I call forth the purest vibration of love available to me now.’

‘Supported by my guides and soul may fear and love blend in order to create a natural equilibrium that empowers my being/ that empowers the situation/ that empowers the other person.’

Imagine love flowing throughout your entire being, imagine love present in the fear you have experienced or witnessed. Allow the blending, synthesising, merging of two energies becoming one to take place, sometimes it might be quick, other times it might be a slow process.
As it takes place allow yourself to acknowledge that fear and love are balancing naturally.

You will know when the process is complete because when you think of the fear or connect with the fear, its energy will have transformed and shifted. The energy will feel completely different, you may also find your being feels completely different. We encourage you to practice this especially with all different forms of fear that come up within you, and even for the world. Gradually through this process a balance will take place.  The energy of balance will reside upon the Earth and within your being, this will create a tremendous activation. Allowing everything to become balanced, allowing new experiences to enter your reality, old energy to shift and be released, with a greater feeling of freedom and liberation.

We, the Andromedans are supporting this process, if you wish for more understanding, support, or assistance, please call upon us, the Andromedans to guide you. We hope we have been able to explain our understanding clearly.

We thank you,

The Andromedans 

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© 2020 Sacred School of Om Na


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