Carol Fitzpatrick

It’s a Wild West kind of energetic ride right now, which leads me to share several things with you: a writing, video message and some cosmic frequencies to help you fully ground into the zero-point where stillness pervades.
First, the writing. This flowed forth in the early morning hours of November 8th. What motivated me to share this with you is the reference to the “Scorpio” metaphor that came forth in the November Light Streamings.
The Scorpio has stung and it appears that the victim has been mortally wounded. Things are not what they seem. You are to hold to the zero point of Love and wait upon the will of heaven. You are not to worry or to be dissuaded from your heart-centered approach to life.
You are to understand that this awareness of unfairness, of duality, shall come to pass. You are not to be afraid of impending outcomes. You are to recognize that righteousness shall return to the will of the American people. You are not to worry. You are to fully love and honor the Self and as you do, know that all is truly well.
In the higher matrix, the great turning has already occurred. Now we are to hold to the zeropoint, to the deep inner stillness that runs through us as a new harmonic of human consciousness is being birthed into form.
With love and peace,
Carol Fitzpatrick
Center for lanetary Awakening ~
Sustainable Oneness Spiritual Alliaspnce ~ www.
Video Message from Carol: Staying Above the Fray:
Join me on November 23rd for the New Earth Matrix Series at 7 pm EDT as we take the deeper dive into the energetic patterns playing out now by registering HERE. But for now, to access the recorded message from November 8th, click HERE
Cosmic Cord: The frequencies of the universe
Mark Torgeson, musician / sound healer has created music based on the Cosmic Cord of F#, A# and C#. These are frequencies of the platonic solids (fire, air, water and ether). Listen to the tones that uplift, attune and ground you to the zeropoint. To listen, click HERE
or get the mp3 below.


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