NorthPoint Journal Oct 5 to 11, 2020

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
October 5 to 11, 2020
by Pam Younghans
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STORMY CONDITIONS are becoming the norm as we begin the last quarter of 2020, with every day seeming to bring new dramas, new thunderbolts. I wrote in last week’s Journal that it is vital to remain calm and centered right now. That advice continues to hold for this coming week, and actually for the rest of October and into November.
In every moment, we have a choice. We can choose hope, or we can choose despair. We can choose love, or we can choose hate. We can choose to trust the Divine Plan, or we can choose to fear the unknown. Even if we can’t currently see how the journey will unfold, we will get successfully to the other shore – but how we each personally experience the crossing depends on the primary perspectives and emotions we elect to hold.
ONE of the forms on the other shore is the Jupiter-Saturn alignment that will occur in about eleven weeks, on December 21, the same day as the Solstice. I spoke about this very important event in my June webinar, but haven’t yet written about it much in this weekly Journal – there’s been so much else to discuss!
Jupiter and Saturn align only once every twenty years. Their conjunction sets the stage for new directions in social and economic development that will play out over the next two decades. This upcoming event is significant for several reasons – one of which is that the two planets will align in Aquarius for the first time since the year 1405. Historically, the 1400s marked the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Early Renaissance period.
I plan to offer a short class in November to talk about the Jupiter-Saturn alignment in depth, as well as the two eclipses in November-December, and the Saturn-Uranus square that will dominate events in 2021. More to come on that class soon!
WE HAVE a full agenda this week, with planetary activity every day and three especially pivotal days: Wednesday (Mercury opposite Uranus), Friday (Mars square Pluto), and Sunday (Sun square Jupiter).
Here’s the menu for this week, one course at a time:
  • Venus sesquiquadrate Jupiter: In our desire for progress, it can be easy to ignore red flags or to overlook details, especially in relationship or financial matters.
  • Sun sesquiquadrate Ceres: Trying to make others happy can be emotionally draining. Remember that everyone needs the freedom to make their own choices and to learn from their mistakes.
  • Sun square Pallas Athene: Solutions can be hard to find today. Even if we believe we know how to proceed, our choices are not likely to please everyone. 
  • Mercury opposite Uranus: It can be difficult to concentrate with this aspect. We may feel quite distracted or forgetful, overloaded with too much information, or surprised by unexpected news. However, we can also be more open to higher inspiration and expanded awareness today, so keep a pen and paper nearby to record any flashes of insight.
  • Venus quincunx Chiron: We are especially sensitive to criticism today and can feel like we need to tiptoe quietly so as not to inadvertently hurt another’s feelings.
  • Venus sesquiquadrate Pluto: Jealousies and suspicions can arise, symptoms of underlying insecurities and lack of trust. If possible, use this as an opportunity to deepen intimacy and understanding in a relationship. 
  • Venus sesquiquadrate Mars: Anger is easily triggered, and we can feel overly critical of others. (This aspect is exact just after midnight on Friday, so will be felt on Thursday as well.)
  • Mars square Pluto: This is the biggest event of the week, perfecting at 6:09 a.m. PDT. Power inequities are revealed, resentment is strong. Manipulations in the political or business arenas become evident, sparking deep anger. With Mars currently retrograde, it can be hard not to feel powerless on an individual level. But, this can be the time to build inner courage and stamina, to support future action. 
  • Venus trine Uranus: This aspect encourages new developments and flexibility in relationships. It helps us view each other from a more enlightened perspective and enables us to let go of expectations. 
  • Sun square Jupiter and quincunx Neptune: There’s a tendency to go overboard to ease discord. Beware of falling into old patterns of codependency or becoming the rescuer. It can also be challenging to hold our own when dealing with dominant personalities.
  • Venus sesquiquadrate Saturn: Use this aspect to ask yourself some direct questions about a relationship, but do your best not to judge yourself or another too harshly for not being perfect. 
  • Jupiter sextile Neptune: This aspect is exact at 12:05 a.m. on Monday, October 12, but its influence is with us for several days on either side of the exact date. Although a subtle energy, this sextile can help us become more spiritually sensitive, more in tune with the Cosmos, more creatively inspired, and better able to trust the cosmic plan for these changing times.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year, your natural tendency to put others’ needs before your own is being challenged. You have the wisdom and insight you need to make important decisions for your life, but it can be hard to trust your knowing when others claim to have better ideas. Such situations provide you the opportunity to go inward, to see what your gut is telling you. Find out what is right for you, not what will please another. Once you find how you really feel about the situation, commit to staying true to that knowing. This will allow you to access greater creativity and positivity in many areas of life.  (Solar Return Sun square Pallas Athene, square Jupiter)
In Gratitude and Light,
Today’s photo: “Lightning over Colorado,” credit/copyright Joe Randall.
NorthPoint Journal © 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.


Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. 
MON: Venus sesquiquadrate Jupiter
TUE: Sun sesquiquadrate Ceres
WED: Sun square Pallas Athene, Mercury opposite Uranus
THU: Venus quincunx Chiron, Venus sesquiquadrate Pluto
FRI: Venus sesquiquadrate Mars, Mars square Pluto
SAT: Venus trine Uranus
SUN: Sun square Jupiter, Sun quincunx Neptune, Venus sesquiquadrate Saturn
 About the NorthPoint Journal
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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To learn more about private astrology sessions, please visit the “Personal Readings” page at To schedule a reading, please email
NorthPoint Journal copyright 2020 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.


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