video: Magenta Pixie: Fifth Element: Dark Plan (Monad Decoded) – Gaia Grid (Poe Tuss in Dreamtime)


Fifth Element: Dark Plan (Monad Decoded) – Gaia Grid (POTUS in Dreamtime)

Magenta Pixie

Magenta discusses her recent profound dreamtime connection with Donald POTUS and the monadic white paper containing the dark strategy and the countermoves and antidotes from the light teams. The Nine come forward to assist in the analysis of the dreamtime download so that every listener may receive the same keycodes for the monadic light structure that is the 5D chess game playing out on Earth right now. Discussing the importance and role of the starseeds in this strategy and the New Earth teachings of the Gaia Grid.

Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video compiled by Catzmagick.

Magenta Pixie Website:

Battle strategy of Dark Team, war plan… vs countermoves by the Alliance…




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