Choice As Life .. Amora, April 24, 2020


Choice As Life

Amora, April 24, 2020

There is always a point in one’s life where new vision is required, and where the “old” vision, what once supported, must be released in order to move forward.

Sometimes it is better to release something that requires a lot of work in alignment, than staying with something, energetically, because one is afraid to let go.

The act of letting go may come forth as a sincere declaration from the heart.  This is not the same as a declaration from the mind which may usurp energies of convenience and desire to control the outcome.

The heart only knows the truth and often will, if given the chance, create the conditions of ascended alignment with one’s higher beingness, the I AM Truth as it is called.  First and foremost, it is important to align with one’s heart.

Ahnahmar, The Lemurian Council of Twelve 

Copyright © 2020 Astraea et Amora


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