Zoom Recording


Zoom Recording

Tomorrow morning Suzanne and I are going to have a session on Zoom. Joe Pena is going to place this on YouTube for us. Here is what Suzanne wrote on Facebook about it:

About 6 years ago Ron Head and I started a series on The Event. It’s been 2 years since our last one. We think that’s much too long. So this week we are filming Part 7! We hope to have it up by the end of the week. Thanks again to Joe Pena for his Zoom wizardry!

I will post the video on the blog as soon as it is available. Here are links to the prior sessions:

Part One: https://youtu.be/yn_VDMAtLZs

Part Two: https://youtu.be/8Eoe0VZ_kU8

Part Three: https://youtu.be/4xfiIfvRfbo

Part Four: https://youtu.be/Vzsg7GUFofg

Part Five: https://youtu.be/Pww6-0qvtFU

Part Six: https://youtu.be/S4nw-RF3C2U


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