video: Bruce Lipton – Dr Bruce Lipton stresses how Fear shuts down our immune system


Dr Bruce Lipton stresses how Fear shuts down our immune system ..  His expertise in Epigenetics and researching cells  behaviours is explained in understandable language that all of us can understand.

He includes in his discussion how cells react to in flight or fight mode, and how our bodies are engineered to function in situations such as Fear or love..   He states that the Chemistry of a person living in Fear is a different Chemistry than someone in Love..

When in Love, our bodies and cells are open to receive, absorb joy etc taking it in.. Which is the cell being in Growth..  That is why people glow and feel healthy and happy.

When in Fear our Chemistry of cells are in protection mode and create stress hormones, cortisol etc, and factors that shut down the immune system called Cytokines.

He explains a cell can be in Growth or a cell can be in Protection but it cannot be in Both at the same time.

And he explains our Biology is designed to be open in growth, such as in love… Fear closes you down to enable the flight and fight mechanism.  The state of Fear is compromising the growth and our maintenance of our body, but it is also shutting down our immune system which is leaving us more open to disease.

He explains how our Consciousness controls the fate of our biology, and that is the new science of Epigenetics.  And goes on to say “The most valid science on planet on Earth is called Quantum Physics .  There is no science that has been tested more, affirmed more or proven to be more truthful than Quantum Physics. ……. The first  principle of Quantum Physics is that Consciousness is creating your Life Experience…………….”





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