Relational Purging and Artistic Healing in Full SwingAPRIL 6, 2020 / YEREVAN


Full Moon in Libra 2020 – Relational Purging and Artistic Healing in Full Swing

The Super Full Moon on April 7th serves as another one of 2020’s hugely potent guideposts in our unfolding collective drama and healing crisis. The Moon at 18 degrees of Libra in a conjunction with commitment focused Juno indicates where things have become extremely imbalanced in our lives and relationships. Juno is exactly opposite of the Dark Moon Lilith, increasing the intensity of social and personal exchanges. A focus is brought to contracts, settlements and legal issues with others, not to mention the so-called “Justice system” as a whole.

Sensitivities are running high and there is probably a greater need for rest than usual. The Moon’s inconjunct aspect to Neptune indicates that the ongoing struggle with a global mystery illness is still shrouded in confusion. As the statistics and fears around it continue to escalate so do the insidious laws that have stolen our freedoms. The news stories weigh heavily in terror, doom, and gloom. To add insult to injury, there is widely circulated propaganda (explained thoroughly by Willow) and “chain memes” started by misinfo agents informing people that everyone should just “Relax and trust the plan”. They’re told that unseen heroes within our slimy worldwide dictatorship are going to save the world.

Meanwhile, those who offer insightful yet “alternative” explanations for what is going on as well as natural solutions to what plagues us are ones who are being censored, scoffed at and sometimes penalized. But these seekers and speakers of truth carry on, doing their often thankless jobs of serving humanity, as they always have and likely will until the end of time.

Headstrong Mars forms a square with Uranus in Taurus on this day, warning us of recklessness and foolish behavior from many who are so frustrated they they feel they have no other outlets than to bring chaos, harm and destruction to those around them.  Also beware of accidents. Mercury’s conjunction with bewildering Neptune now form sextiles to Jupiter and Pluto. There is a lot of explosive conversation around what works and what doesn’t, and still a lot of false information being propped up on a massive level. Certain decisions cannot be made until certain facts have been identified, which is why a general sense of uneasiness is so rampant.

Before reaching that much-desired state of harmony that is so intensely craved now, the Libran Moon is showing us what stands in the way of our health and happiness. For several days Jupiter’s conjunction to Pluto and insightful Pallas Athene has been casting a light on the most foul, ugly aspects of our world, our government and our fellow human beings. And Libra being a lover of all forms of beauty, abhors an ugliness of spirit more than anything else. After a long period of masking and camouflaging the true colors and intentions of others are finally being revealed. In some situations and relationships these things are surprisingly pleasant…but in others they are venomous. These others are the things that need to be purged, exorcised and banished from our sacred space. These are the things that make us sick, weak, and depressed. These things are rooted in evil and therefore must be uprooted from our psyches and lives if we are to attain any peace of mind.

Libra’s ruling planet Venus in Gemini conjunct Vesta, high priestess asteroid enters the pre-shadow phase just a couple of days after this Full Moon. The planet of personal values could become a powerful influence this month in bringing opportunities to retrieve our lost hopes and dreams. Some of the most dark moments of our lives are the sparks of some of the most moving forms of art, music and poetry, which all tend to grow an awareness of who and what we are beyond the five senses. This is an appropriate time to think of myriad ways to beautifully express the deeply repressed aspects of our buried pain and creative genius that is yearning to break free. 


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