NorthPoint Journal March 23 to 29, 2020


Today’s photo is of an echinacea flower, known as a healer in plant medicine.

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
March 23 to 29, 2020
by Pam Younghans
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THE WORLD is being forced to change. As individuals and as communities, we are being drawn deeply inward. “Voluntary self-quarantine” and government-mandated isolation are requiring us to face the dark side of our psyches. To navigate this challenge, we must each learn how to transmute fear-based emotions and self-centered behaviors.

Taking into account how Saturn and Pluto have worked historically, astrologers were able to predict that their alignment in January 2020 would correspond with significant global events, with far-reaching consequences. We also assumed that the Jupiter-Pluto alignment, which perfects for the first time on April 4, would likely amplify the effects of whatever was occurring. But, profound change usually manifests in ways that no one can exactly predict, as our unpreparedness is part of what propels the transformation to the deepest and most necessary levels.

ANOTHER PIECE of the puzzle is filled in this week through the Jupiter-Eris square, which is exact on Thursday. Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches, and while it is in authoritative Capricorn this year, we are certainly seeing the rule of law being expanded and enforced.

Jupiter’s square to the dwarf planet Eris represents resistance to the restrictions. The goddess Eris is primarily known for her passive-aggressive reaction after not being invited to a wedding party, due to her reputation as a trouble-maker. Her vindictive, self-serving actions eventually led to the Trojan War. As Jupiter squares Eris this week, we may likewise observe belligerent behaviors and resistance to the rules, or perhaps a stronger governmental response to those who selfishly hoard or do not act responsibly.

Also on Thursday, Mercury is at the exact midpoint of Jupiter and Eris, in semisquare aspect to both. Mercury is the Messenger god, and so there are likely to be more pronouncements and communications regarding adherence to rules around this time.

THANKFULLY, the more selfish responses to current dilemmas are being far outweighed by all the compassion and caring that are being expressed. If the cosmos ever wanted to design a BIG event to show us that we are all in this together, this would be it. Walls, no matter how thick or how tall, do not keep out viruses.

It is fascinating, too, how current events so clearly reflect the symbolism of Saturn in Aquarius. The term “social distancing” could be keywords for Saturn/Aquarius – something of a variation of “not getting involved,” but seen now as a helpful rather than hurtful behavior. We also see that many (most?) are now going to school or taking care of business (Saturn) remotely by computer (Aquarius). The younger children may be mostly aware of having freedom (Aquarius) from the limitations of sitting in a classroom (Saturn). We are all experiencing restrictions (Saturn) on community gatherings (Aquarius). We are also learning lessons (Saturn) about what it really means to be a global family (Aquarius).

AGAINST this vast situational backdrop, we have a New Moon to begin this week. The new lunar cycle begins on Tuesday, March 24, at 2:28 a.m. PDT (9:28 a.m. GMT), when the Sun and Moon align at 4°12′ Aries.

It is profound – but not necessarily surprising – to see that the Sun and Moon are closely aligned with Wounded Healer Chiron for this lunation. As followers of astrology, we might expect to see something related to the actual health concerns we are all dealing with, and yet it’s always striking when it appears so clearly.

CHIRON’S involvement in the New Moon suggests that we are very aware of a wound. Aries is a highly energized sign, and Chiron indicates that our energy and independent initiative are subdued at this time.

But Chiron never exposes a wound without giving us the means to heal it. This means that we should also have the opportunity to begin a healing process during the coming lunar cycle.

And, while it is true that Chiron’s involvement speaks to the physical issues we are facing, we want to also look at the mental/emotional component. In Aries, the Chironic wound is related to our capacity to be leaders and pioneers. It is found in those who may have the passion and ideas that will make a difference, but who lack the confidence needed to step into a leadership role.

On an individual level, the healing potential of this Aries New Moon is that each of us gains the internal strength, courage, and spiritual fire that enable us to take charge of our lives in new ways.

THE NEW MOON is also tightly square the nodal axis, sending us a powerful message about the higher evolutionary imperatives involved now. You may recall that with the South Node in Capricorn and the North Node in Cancer, we are being guided to choose empathy over separation, heart-centered action over materialism, and trust over fear. We are also called to be appreciative rather than suspicious, and inspired instead of pessimistic.

This is a square aspect, however, which indicates a challenge. It could be tempting to close our hearts, hunker down, post a “Me First” banner, and head to battle stations. But this is not the universe’s plan. The current situation – and especially the next four weeks – is meant to move us leaps and bounds ahead on our evolutionary path.

We live in a free-will plane of existence, so the choice is up to each of us. How do we want to show up, now, when the pressure is on?

AS WE MOVE into the last days of the week, several beneficial aspects are very strong – Hooray! The most significant is the alignment between Jupiter and Pallas Athene on Saturday. Athene is a great strategist, able to see patterns and come up with solutions. Jupiter’s capacity for expansion will hopefully bring forward new creative ideas for managing and resolving the challenges before us.

Astrologer Demetra George, in her book Asteroid Goddesses, tells us that when Jupiter and Athene work together, our minds are able to see further and to better grasp “the implications of the large social issues that face humanity.” This is the first of three Jupiter-Athene alignments in 2020, so will likely represent step one of a longer-term process.

On Friday, Venus (in Taurus) is in harmonious trine aspect with Jupiter and Athene. This signifies a greater capacity to work together for practical results. Relationships of all descriptions benefit from these aspects, and the power of the feminine perspective is enhanced. We also have a Venus-Pluto trine on Saturday, which enables us to deepen understanding and mutual reliance with loved ones. A lovely closing chapter to another rather powerful week.

FOR THOSE who are tracking the Moon’s aspects to the planets now in Capricorn, here is this week’s list. We are likely to feel more anxious and frustrated around the times of these aspects.

With the Moon in Aries, all of these are squares:
Moon-Jupiter: Wednesday, March 25, 5:43 p.m. PDT
Moon-Pluto: Wednesday, March 25, 8:03 p.m. PDT
Moon-Mars: Thursday, March 26, 12:16 a.m. PDT

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: In the year ahead, you will be engaged in a healing process at deep levels of your being. This is the time to learn new self-care techniques, which can be hard for those who tend toward the impatient side of Aries. Your focus on personal needs may interfere with certain relationships, giving you the chance to address any imbalances that are exposed. A new, more stable sense of your identity emerges as you process old insecurities. As a result, you become more capable of also being a healer for others. (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, conjunct Chiron, sextile Saturn)

In Gratitude and Light,


NorthPoint Journal © 2020 NorthPoint Astrology. All Rights Reserved.

Aspects of Note This Week

All times listed are Pacific DaylightTime. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

MON: Venus square Ceres
TUE: New Moon 2:28 a.m. PDT, Venus semisquare Chiron, Chiron semisquare Ceres
WED: Sun conjunct Chiron, Sun semisquare Ceres
THU: Mercury semisquare Jupiter, Mercury semisquare Eris, Jupiter square Eris
FRI: Mercury semisquare Pluto, Venus trine Pallas Athene, Venus trine Jupiter
SAT: Jupiter conjunct Pallas Athene, Venus trine Pluto

About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

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