Ego Traps on the Road to Enlightenment


Ego Traps on the Road to Enlightenment
by Eliza Ayres

Ego Traps on the Road to Enlightenment
Eliza Ayres
been a while since I have felt motivated to present some personal thoughts via
this platform. However, the occasion
does arises when I feel compelled to share some of my perspective on what is
being generally bandied about in New Age groups as “enlightenment” and “ascension”.

With many young people and misguided older ones being lured into believing the lies of socialism, is it any wonder that many of these individuals who consider themselves as “spiritual” want to identify as being something more than they appear to be at present in their human lives. When some of these naïve individuals encounter the terms “ascension” and “enlightenment” they truly believe they deserve instant gratification. They seek out those “teachers” who will convey information designed to assuage the ego, giving their ‘students’ and ‘followers’ grand titles. While in rare instances, one or two of these individuals may, indeed, have Ascended Masters as their Higher Selves in the Lighted worlds, more often that is not the case. Many of those who have Sirian or Pleiadian origins came here in a bid to colonize a beautiful planet. They were, for the most part, regular people seeking homes far away from their home isles that had been ravaged by the enemy during the Orion Wars. There were also, souls who originally evolved as indigenous people upon the planet during a time that is now considered pre-history or even myth by conventional science and academia. In most cases, that soul evolution, of both the indigenous and colonists, has been knocked off track due to the intervention and interference of Dark Team… but that is a history with deep roots that extend back to another higher frequency quadrant than this one.

who seeks the fast track to ascension is suffering from the delusions of
feeling entitled, deserving of instant gratification. They paid their money and expect an immediate
return on their investment of time and money.

I have news for these individuals: there is no fast track to ascension. It takes life times of hard work, study, determination, and most important, a willingness to exhibit true humility and to submit to the inner guidance that is there within your own Heart Center should you take the time to listen to it. While you are involved on the Path, you will be required to act out many roles in life, not sit on a yoga pad contemplating your navel.

I was recently contacted by an individual claiming to be a member of the VaCoupe Family. With what information he presented, it was clear to me this was not truth. For those who are not yet aware, I AM a member of the VaCoupe Family, the Family of the Lord of the Pleiades, Lord Adrigon VaCoupe. I am not trying to impress anyone here, as it matters not to me what you think. I am merely stating a fact.

In my sojourn here on Earth, I have observed how egos are coddled and given information that makes the individual sound important and more advanced in soul evolution than those around him/her. I will say, true MASTERS are humble and dedicated to SERVICE to others, not self-aggrandizement, however enticing. Many are the False Teachers among the legions of those who follow the narrow-minded illogical teachings of New Age materials, which is simply a CIA-psyops conceived in the 1940’s or so to distract those star seeds who would intuitively seek out spiritual teachings. And what do they get from most so-called “ascension teachers”? Well, the teachings typically offer about 80% truth and the rest of the information has energetic ‘hooks’ designed to attach to the unwitting individual who gives away their personal sovereignty and becomes a ‘follower’ of any teaching available here on this planet. You can sample the wares, but do not take the hook into your mouth and remain hooked to anything that is being presented, especially by those persons who appear to be great authorities and pass themselves off as being highly evolved.

I encourage to you to doubt EVERYTHING you are told by any so-called authorities, yes, even my words shared here. The ONLY true authority for each of you is your Higher Christ/Buddhic Self and not the teachings presented by ascension teachers, ministers, rabbis, priests and politicians. You are responsible for your own Path and success on that Path and it takes much inner reflection, humility and dedication to succeed.

I will not personally “out” any of these false teachers for that is a task that each individual on the spiritual Path must come to be able to discern for themselves. It is not my place to put a warning sign on pitfall; you need to become your own expert in discerning the frequencies yourself. For me to do so is to deny your sovereignty to make choices and to learn from so-called mistakes or opportunities presented through daily life. If you cannot discern them, use caution. I always recommend that one use the Shield of Archangel Michael on a daily basis. Shielding is a necessity in this low-frequency planet. If someone tells you NOT to shield, they are revealing a few things about themselves: 1) they are not in alignment with the Will of God, which Archangel Michael represents in this quadrant of Creation; 2) they want you to be vulnerable, open to suggestion, and easy to attack and feed upon; 3) if not the second, they are naïve and clueless themselves and not as spiritually advanced as they claim to be.

I am
not here to demand you give up your sovereignty and become a follower of
mine. I do not demand money or payment
in kind for my services. In fact, I do
not offer any services, just the occasional observation I have made while being
here. I AM a Pleiadian walk-in and will
be here for only a relatively short-time.
I am not impressed with what I have witnessed thus far within the
so-called Ascension community. Soul
lessons are being skipped and generally overlooked as being unnecessary.

If you do not discover in this life that no steps in the ascension process can be skipped, you will learn it many lifetimes from now. The window of ascension is closing upon the evolutions of Earth Humanity. Choices are being made that will affect the trajectory of your lives well into the future (millions of years). Even it may not appear you are getting anywhere, simply start at the beginning and learn to balance the masculine and feminine energies within. You do not have to proclaim yourself a goddess or god in the process; in fact, to do so is an indication you have not successfully completed that particular task. Dispense with the trappings and go for the core, the meat of spirituality, obedience to the inner guidance, awareness of your thoughts, creating strong boundaries, and being true to your real Self, your inner Being. Whatever outer accolades are presented to you in the world are nothing in comparison to a true, eternal connection with Higher Self and your mentors and Family from Home, the higher frequency Lighted Worlds of Spirit.

At Home, I am known to being rather precocious, a wayshower among my own people, yet I serve humbly as an officer aboard one of our Motherships. Our people are dedicated to service, to love and to each other. We are human, like you, but more highly evolved due to our own efforts, as individuals and as a Collective. You can become like us, but only after much inner work and learning to work together in full cooperation – which does not mean handing your sovereignty over to governmental agencies. EACH of our Pleiadian isles (planets) is sovereign and represented on the Pleiadian High Council, no matter how large or small. We value freedom over all else and fought hard during the Orion Wars to remain so, as did our Sirian allies.

No true path involves ease. There will be stones, pitfalls, and lessons to learn. There will be pain and struggle, as well as beauty and joy. We evolved as a people as we were compelled to do so to evolve beyond the reach of our enemies, the same ones who infect your own world with Darkness, which is only now being unveiled due to the massive influx of Light upon this world.

In truth, many people as the Pleiadians are made up of several different racial groups, tribes, and cultures, all distinctively unique in their diversity. So as a Terran or Earthling, you should seek first your own rise in frequency, then to work with others to create a unified collective with the intent to honor true unity in diversity.

Your planet, Earth/Gaia/Terra is a gem among worlds. Be proud to be an inhabitant of this world, as there are few in the Universe like Her. Learn to work together for the good of the Whole and you will go far as a people. Seek personal fame and acclaim and you will end up falling off the pedestal. You are not yet gods and goddesses, but many of you, the ones with heart flames, have the potential to eventually reblend with your Higher Selves and expand your Light… but before that happens… it is cut wood and carry water, in a labor of love and dedication to the Light.

Enough for now as I tend to get too wordy and often leave people with short attention spans behind in the dust.

I AM Sundeelia (“Sunny”) VaCoupe, aka Eliza Ayres

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