What does a dark portal look like or feel like? Everything is energy, interdimensional and dynamic. We are an integral part of a bigger picture, we belong to the multi verse. Our realities are perception, how we receive and interpret the outside word. Dark portals operate on lower dimensional frequencies, states of being mired in depression, paralysis, helplessness and despair. We experience dark gateways, as with everything in the fourth realm, in direct relation to our internal vibration. The fear frequencies emitted seek to lock us into their lower wavelengths. We maintain our higher vibratory fields by stabilizing in gratitude, grounding in nature and expanding in meditation. 999 dark portal is a gateway for chaos, disharmony and destruction. We combat this dark tidal wave by remaining on our cosmic surfboards, staying aligned, flexible and centred. 999 portal will close at Old Hallows Eve, 31st.10.19 (natch). It’s all about the Big Bad and our light vibbbrraatttionnns through September and October. We are being pulled right to the heart of the karmic matter by 333 cosmic waves. No messing about, whatever it is that has been holding us back, the final piece of the jigsaw blinding us from attaining alignment, is being revealed. True sovereignty is only attainable when we have the liberated space to make an authentic choice. The rEvolution is being televised, blogged, vlogged, podcasted, Selfie’d, shared and screenshot, every day, every minute, every second. The world is waking up to itself, transformation is here.
2019 is assimilation. We are grounding into the material plane whilst simultaneously expanding in to higher states of consciousness. We are like trees growing deep down into the earth, whole, nourished, our branches reaching out into the ether, exploring, greener, higher, fresher. Our core is where it’s all held together. Our trunk is our earthly chakra system, crown to root. We seek to enhance flow of high vibration energy throughout our chakra system, feeding and fueling our lightbody activation. Creating blocks with fear of the unknown is counteractive to our mission of raising the vibrations. Dark portals are rare compared to light gateways, the lightwaves coming from higher realms of outer space are magnificent, infinite and source created. Dark portals are engineered using enhanced technologies. Everything sourced from evil is artificial in its essence, there is a flatline in core energy frequency. Energy healers can see and tune into energy. As the veils thin to transparency, healers, lightworkers, volunteers understand the truth of source energy, of light and dark frequencies. We are powering up, interstellar travelers, our source light is coming online. The higher we go the more comfortable, relieved and at home we feel. The blue pill barrage of abuse for questioning the matrix, that haunted and hunted us through our lifetime here, is waning in the immoveable truth of love. We are being released from the constraints of stealth mode, this alone liberates us from dense bandwidths, we are finally forging the path to walk our truth.
Dark gateways will throw everything at us to bring us down. This will operate on the global, local and intimate stages of our lives. We are being challenged to hold our truth, our belief in Self and our commitment to self care. Frequencies of hopelessness, frustration, helplessness and caged in claustrophobic will challenge us, we are hemmed in by antiquated laws, thinking and procedure. The matrix is a heavy anchor round our ankles, the dark portal is magnifying these energies. We are being propelled to delve into the very heart of darkness, our own, to root out all poisons, toxins, parasites and predators. Clear the soil, the energies, for growth. Expansion is our energetic wavelength, we stay true to this process, refuse to lose focus, keep dreamweaving despite the onslaught of darkness. We stand tall and meet it head on. Grounded in gratitude, heart led and spiritualized.
We seek to understand the matrix and how it operates to unplug. 999 is energy warfare, psychic attack on a global scale, macro to micro. The material plane to astral, and everything in between. Expect more global mainstream media meltdowns, manufactured news to scare the masses and keep them mangaeable. We will witness pollution in overdrive, climate chaos, political dictators, fear mongering, fascism, war and Nazi tactics coming out into the open. The gloves come off the deeper we get into the ascension field. Fame, worship, adoration and idolatry have always been the devil’s playthings. He abstained because the wealth and benefits his scheme generated was best served by his illusions. Time is ticking on that. We will see more devil worship, satanic and free mason rituals, ceremonies, language and symbolism entering the public arena. Normalization of the worship of Selfie, power, luxury, wealth and plastic beauty through the manipulation of social media. The world is being divided like Moses parting the red sea. One side is me, me, me the other side, is us, we, the collective!
Social media is a window into how people really feel, comparative anonymity liberates people to show their truer selves. Trolls are proud to troll. Fascists are happy to spread white supremacy. Social media cuts through much of the fake alignments of the matrix, the social relationships we were supposed to foster because they are family, neighbors, colleagues, when really we may have little in common. Social media caused arguments, break ups, divorce and disagreements when people saw through each other’s illusions on politics, society, how we rate each other and the planet. The truth vibrations of social media shook all of us out of our inertia. Some chose not to play the game. The rest of us dived right in, we know who we all are now. We know who has compassion and who lacks empathy. We know. We already exist in a far more liberated space because of the internet, we know where we all stand much better than we did. We also see that the smoke and mirrors of ballot papers, counting, missing votes are antiquated, covering up corruption with incompetence. Digital technologies, leading to quantum advancement, are being hidden from us. We get select technologies, some way ahead than others with no sensible timeline, exposing corporate deceit and government manipulation. We are at the end times for smoke and mirrors governance, the return of the divine feminine will realign with the divine masculine and we will find balance, peace and harmony.
The four pillars of the matrix are the church, state, economics and royalty. These four pillars have one thing in common, paedophilia. Each plays its part in child and adult sex slavery networks spanning the global population. Oil, opium, cocaine, weapons and armaments forge dark web highways for production, distribution and sale on the black market. The shadow government are the engineers and profiteers from the whole criminal network. The shadow government is the anunaki, the archons, the humanoid puppets who thrive on our destruction. But children are their most highly valued commodity. Always have been. Humans have been tricked on such a grand and horrific scale. It really is all about the missing children. And the women. Truth is coming out, despite relentless and aggrieved resistance from blue pillers. Our lives are constructed on illusion. To withstand the truths coming from global and local stages we have to work on our internal vibration. We have to be robust, prepared, spiritualized when the truth hits the fan. Surrendering to source is the only way we can fully expand into Christ consciousness. Lightbody activation is our conscious healing of mind body and soul. Recognition that we are a mind body and soul being, connected, whole, not disconnected, disparate or divided. Soul retrieval on a grand scale.
The word Christ needs to be de-matrixed. For those who have Christ in their hearts, his truth is love. There are no rules beyond love. For those who associate Christ with a dark and sinister Vatican, detach from these negative algorithms. Everything operates in metaphor and literal in the matrix. Christ consciousness is DNA activation, kundalini rising, lightbody activation and spiritual surrender. Whether Christ walked the material plane or not, his legacy when unpicked from the spin of the dark lords, is one of compassion, equality and empathy. Everything else is politics and spin. The science bit is the crystalline core activation on Gaia and within us. The sacred geometry bit is that its all happening in a divine ascension field of interstellar proportions. Whether we refer to the thing outside of ourselves that we are part of as Christ, god, goddess, Gaia, universal love, zen vibration, faith, if its rooted in love its going to work in keeping our vibration high enough to withstand the stormy seas of dark waves.
We take responsibility for our spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing by unplugging from the matrix. The matrix aims to separate our mind, body and soul, we operate in an artificial hazy, foggy, confused, detached space, not connected to our bodies or our soul. We exist in a hyper pleasure space, the matrix convinces us the way to congratulate or commiserate life’s ups and downs is to consume. This is counterproductive to our wellbeing. Consuming should be done to meet needs, to keep us healthy and safe. Capitalist corporate democracy has turned us into farm animals, our lives fenced in, boring, limited, reliant on our masters for security, sanctuary and nourishment. We consume to feed the system. We are dehumanised in the consumerist process, we become takers, receiving gets blocked. We compete with each other, envy corrupts friendship, relationships. Feelings of inferiority and low self esteem freeze us, we lose our mojo, our sense of self. In the west we consume alcohol to mark every occasion big or small, we are conditioned to seek and desire alcohol. Alcohol carries attachments, just like all matrix toxins, they will attach to our energy field, nestle into chakras, steal our chi and overwhelm us with the need for more alcohol. The same can be said for all addiction, big pharma is engineered with nano and astral technologies to weaken the patient, the client. Antidepressants literally shut down our chakra system, we energetically flatline under the immense weight of dense matrix vibrations. The matrix wants us to be zombies, whether that’s achieved through drink, food, drugs or AI technologies, it doesn’t care.
The elite cabal engineer our lives to be mired by pain, inertia and ill health to support their wealth mongering dark web. The shadow government is the anunaki, the archons, the humanoid puppets who thrive on our destruction. The pyramid is crumbling, the Age of Aquarius is here. All of this is essentially the last desperate cries of a predator whose victim has woken up and is making their escape. However the game isn’t over, not by a long shot. This dark portal will be open till Old Hallows Eve, 31st October. Its not a flash in the pan wave of darkness we can hunker down and survive. We can’t climb into our bunker and wait for the storm to be over. We are deep in the profound 333 process of assimilation. Our mind body souls are assimilating, becoming whole again. To stay the course and keep our eye on the finish line we must withstand all that the dark lords will throw at us physically in the world and energetically to bring us down, we keep focused on our personal evolution. It’s a dual space, assimilation, integration and ascension, whilst being bombarded by black energy triggering dark thoughts.
5 Tips for 333 raising our vibration during a 999 dark portal depression.
1. Gratitude it realigns us every, single, time.
2. Mindfulness forcing our consciousness to ground into our present. Engaging in interaction, errands, workload and to do lists for positive affirmation, action sets positivity in motion. We belong here, we set the dial, not others ,to our own internal vibration. Own your life.
3. Meditation, connect to heart, feel love for self, love for the world, love for our lives our people, and you’re there, zen zone calm.
4. Breathwork, three deep breaths, throat, chest, stomach, to raise our vibration and manage confrontation, unpleasant interactions, stress and anxiety. Breath is the activation of mind body soul connectivity. We reconnect, realign and release negative energies when we slow our breath and consciously use it to manage our physical and emotional responses to any given situation.
5. Detachment is key to assimilation. The matrix makes us feel everything is our fault, something we did or said. Spiritual awakening illuminates for us the core truth that each is on their own path. We wake up to projection, deceit, illusion, lies and denial, this helps us untangle ourselves from other people’s narratives and encourages us to create our own narrative.
There is an art to detachment. Gratitude and self respect will see us through. A commitment to expanding our consciousness will hold us secure. The world has become astral, the dark portal takes us into the lower realms, yet 333 light waves continue to flood us and Gaia in their goodness, don’t lose sight of this. Sometimes we will give in, capitulate to the draw of depression, despair, frustration, rage or pain. Those who seek to destroy our equilibrium will temporarily take us down. Key word temporary. We are all equipped with a spiritual toolkit we can use to realign our vibration to joy algorithms, no matter what has occurred. We learn how to exist in a calm space of self love, maintaining boundaries of self respect and allowing others the freedom to make their own decisions. We break the chains of co dependency and regain our sovereignty. We can do this. We already are. Know we’re not alone. Know others are experiencing these dimensional fluctuations, the slippage between realms, the world changing in front of our eyes. Stay sane in a crazy world cosmic surfers #onelove.
5 Tips for 333 raising our vibration during a 999 dark portal depression.
1. Gratitude it realigns us every, single, time.
2. Mindfulness forcing our consciousness to ground into our present. Engaging in interaction, errands, workload and to do lists for positive affirmation, action sets positivity in motion. We belong here, we set the dial, not others ,to our own internal vibration. Own your life.
3. Meditation, connect to heart, feel love for self, love for the world, love for our lives our people, and you’re there, zen zone calm.
4. Breathwork, three deep breaths, throat, chest, stomach, to raise our vibration and manage confrontation, unpleasant interactions, stress and anxiety. Breath is the activation of mind body soul connectivity. We reconnect, realign and release negative energies when we slow our breath and consciously use it to manage our physical and emotional responses to any given situation.
5. Detachment is key to assimilation. The matrix makes us feel everything is our fault, something we did or said. Spiritual awakening illuminates for us the core truth that each is on their own path. We wake up to projection, deceit, illusion, lies and denial, this helps us untangle ourselves from other people’s narratives and encourages us to create our own narrative.
There is an art to detachment. Gratitude and self respect will see us through. A commitment to expanding our consciousness will hold us secure. The world has become astral, the dark portal takes us into the lower realms, yet 333 light waves continue to flood us and Gaia in their goodness, don’t lose sight of this. Sometimes we will give in, capitulate to the draw of depression, despair, frustration, rage or pain. Those who seek to destroy our equilibrium will temporarily take us down. Key word temporary. We are all equipped with a spiritual toolkit we can use to realign our vibration to joy algorithms, no matter what has occurred. We learn how to exist in a calm space of self love, maintaining boundaries of self respect and allowing others the freedom to make their own decisions. We break the chains of co dependency and regain our sovereignty. We can do this. We already are. Know we’re not alone. Know others are experiencing these dimensional fluctuations, the slippage between realms, the world changing in front of our eyes. Stay sane in a crazy world cosmic surfers #onelove.