NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
April 22 to 28, 2019
by Pam Younghans
THE SUN AND URANUS align in the heavens on Monday. Whenever the Sun aligns with another planet, we feel a surge of energy in keeping with the qualities of that planet, and its intentions as a teacher of humanity.

Uranus is known by many aliases, each of which gives clues to the planet’s influence on our lives: the Great Awakener, the Liberator, the god of Chaos, lord of the Starry Heavens, representative of Divine Consciousness, and keeper of the Higher Mind. When we experience the effects of Uranus, we often perceive events as being surprising, sudden, and even chaotic. This is because the next steps on our journey to liberation and higher consciousness are often birthed through abrupt changes that shift our perspective and sever the ties that bind us to life-as-usual.

THE SUN-URANUS ALIGNMENT occurs at 2°31′ Taurus, and is exact at 4:06 p.m. PDT. While the sign of The Bull is the most grounded of the twelve signs, being both an earth sign and a fixed sign, Uranus represents the expanding universe, which cannot be quantified or contained.

As we consider how we might experience this alignment, it is safe to say we are likely to feel very ungrounded. It can be hard to focus on practical tasks, or even to stay in touch with the “real” world, especially if you have personal planets or points in early degrees of Taurus in your birth chart.

(As an early-Taurus baby, my experience of this alignment may be more extreme than it is for most — but I have to admit that writing the Journal is a challenge today! I feel lightheaded and my feet seem to be barely touching the floor. I am needing to constantly refocus my attention, which wants to be liberated from the discipline of putting words into sensible order.)

WE ARE ALWAYS cautioned to “expect the unexpected” with Uranus. So, it is wise to take any predictions related to Uranus very broadly and symbolically. The essence of its effects will be seen, but the unfolding of events surprise us more often than not.

Taurus rules Mother Nature, the environment, and natural resources. As such, when the Sun and Uranus align, we might “expect” an increase in seismic activity, or new environmental awareness, or protests to save the planet. Taurus also rules our values and how we earn, save, and spend money. We might observe changes or fluctuations in these areas early in the week, too.

ANOTHER ALIGNMENT occurs this week, on Tuesday, between Venus and Chiron in Aries. This rendezvous between the goddess of Love and the centaur known as the Wounded Healer provides an opportunity to heal old heart traumas. The first step in any Chiron event is often to expose the wound (or scar) so that it can be healed. The next step, which requires us to take the initiative, involves embracing that hurt inner child with all the love, understanding, and compassion it has been longing to receive.

This is the course of true healing. It can feel good, of course, to hear words of regret and appreciation from whomever we feel has hurt us. But the only healing that truly resolves the pain is our own attention, acceptance, and empathy for the part of us that still feels the sting of rejection.

THE THEME of deep transformation is also strong this week. Pluto, lord of the Underworld, comes to a standstill at 23°09′ Capricorn on Wednesday, then turns to begin its retrograde phase. Whenever a planet stations, its influence is heightened in our experience. Thus, we anticipate this to be a week of profound change on many levels.

Pluto is also the Revealer of Secrets. More hidden information is likely to come to light this week in areas ruled by Capricorn: governments, politicians, patriarchies, administrations, and religious organizations. Issues that arise will mostly concern the use, misuse, and abuse of power and authority — areas we have already been working with, given the Saturn-South Node-Pluto emphasis this month.

ON SATURDAY, Mars will form challenging aspects to both Uranus and Neptune. When Mars, the planet of Personal Will, interacts with transpersonal planets, we may not know what direction to take — and, with Mars in intellectual Gemini, our thinking is likely to be both foggy and erratic.

This would not be a good time to make practical decisions — but it would be an excellent time to let go of the ego’s need to have everything figured out. This is when we will benefit from using our ability to be in “no mind,” and to allow our intuition and guidance to direct us.

It is also important to note that with these aspects, Mars will be activating the Uranus-Neptune semisquare that will be exact on May 1. More about that event in next week’s Journal — but for now, watch where your anger is triggered next weekend, to see where you might be resisting necessary change or spiritual growth.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a very restless year, when you are easily irritated by anything that interferes with your ability to live your life according to your own designs. The desire for personal freedom is strong, and it will be difficult for you to suppress your true needs. This is a significant time of change and potential rebellion, when you are being asked to re-imagine yourself, especially if you have been living your life according to others’ (or society’s) expectations. Depending on your age, you can refer back to 1975-77 and 1996-98 to see how you dealt with similar energies at an earlier time in your life. 2019 represents the next phase in a process of individuation that was undertaken in those years. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Uranus, semisquare Neptune)

In Gratitude and Light,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Aspects of Note This Week

All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.

MON: Sun conjunct Uranus, Sun semisquare Neptune
TUE: Venus conjunct Chiron
WED: Pluto station retrograde
SAT: Mars semisquare Uranus, Mars square Neptune

About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

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To learn more about private astrology sessions, please visit the “Personal Readings” page at www.northpointastrology.com. To schedule a reading, please email pam@northpointastrology.com.

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.

NorthPoint Astrology, 15000 Block 75th, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA

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