NorthPoint Journal for Feb 25 to Mar 3, 2019


NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
February 25 to March 3, 2019
by Pam Younghans
RELATIONSHIPS — either past or present, or both — enter our awareness this week, courtesy of activity involving the planet Venus. The process begins on Monday with the alignment between Venus and the karmic South Node.

The South Node is our link to past experiences and former behaviors, both in this lifetime and in other incarnations. For some, the Venus-South Node connection may actually bring an old friend back into our lives in some way. This could be a love from the current life or from those lives more distant now. For others, it may be the memory of a past alliance that will insinuate its way into our thoughts and compel us to do some soul-searching.

WHETHER the experience is “live or Memorex,” this alignment provides an opportunity to see the relationship from a different vantage point than we may have been able to attain in the past. With Venus in Capricorn, we may find ourselves pondering who took a position of greater authority in the relationship, and whether the other person gave away any of their self-respect along the way. As we consider any imbalances from our current state of more enlightened self-awareness, we can see how to make new decisions now, or can come to better terms with the choices we made “back then.”

A Sun-Pluto semisquare, also exact on Monday, compels us to dive more deeply into our motivations and to understand the truth of the situation. With the Sun in Pisces, we can more readily access a level of compassion and forgiveness, but we will first need to process and release any resentments and blame we may have been harboring.

BY WEDNESDAY, we should feel more confident and ready to move forward, thanks to a Sun-Mars sextile that is in effect. But we run into a couple of stumbling blocks on Thursday, when both the Sun and Mars are in hard aspect to Ceres.

The dwarf planet Ceres is named for the Earth Mother goddess of Roman myth (Demeter to the Greeks). She represents the qualities of support and nurturing, both of ourselves and of others. With Ceres in Sagittarius, we are likely to feel most nourished when we are encouraged to take risks, to seek the deeper meaning and higher purpose of our lives, and to expand our consciousness.

But Thursday’s Sun-Ceres square and Mars-Ceres quincunx make fulfilling these needs a bit more challenging than we might hope. It can be easy to feel disillusioned (Sun in Pisces) and frustrated (Mars in Taurus) when the path we are choosing to follow is not well-lit. To overcome these temporary hurdles, we will need to focus on building our self-esteem and on letting go of attachments to what has become familiar and comfortable, but also stagnant in our lives.

ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, relationships are again in the spotlight, as Venus interacts with three other planets and also makes a change of signs.

As her last aspect before leaving Capricorn, Venus forms a square to Uranus in Aries on Friday, activating a restlessness and inciting rebellion against any liaisons that are restrictive or controlling. We may see old alliances disintegrate with this aspect, especially those that have limited the independence and autonomy of one or both of the parties involved.

Even after Venus changes signs, the energy of this square will seem to linger. This is because Venus is entering Aquarius, known for being a very unconventional, progressive, and freedom-loving sign. While Venus is in Aquarius (until March 26), the cosmos support our expressing greater authenticity and autonomy within our relationships. This means some relationship forms will shift, to allow greater freedom of expression for both parties. Some may even break apart, if they are not flexible enough to adapt to the changing energies.

VENUS is in sextile aspect to Chiron late on Friday. This will help us remain true to ourselves during any negotiations, even as we honor the rights of others to have their own agendas. But, Venus is semisquare Neptune early on Saturday, so we will need to be careful not to fool ourselves into playing old rescuer/victim/martyr roles.

Whatever decisions we come to, our ability to accept necessary changes and to maintain a foundation of friendship is supported. The Moon and Venus align at 2:03 p.m. PST on Saturday, at 1°27′ Aquarius, which is the location of the fixed star Altair. This alignment infuses a new level of fearlessness into our emotions (Moon) and relationships (Venus). As astrologer Roderick Kidston explains:

“With Altair, you long to fly high, but above all, you must fly free. No fear, no boundaries, and no rules unless you have made them. The sky itself is no limit for you, or your dreams. They soar as far and high as your wings can take you.”

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You are innately and deeply compassionate and caring, and always willing to take the higher spiritual road. This year, you will be challenged to make sure that your understanding does not become enabling, and that your desire to see the best qualities in others does not blind you to your own, very legitimate, personal needs. These challenges require you to speak your truth in partnerships. While gentleness is of course necessary, honesty is also essential. This means that you must esteem yourself in equal level to how much you honor the other. Intuitively know that decisions that come from the level of your soul, expressed without blame or self-denial, fulfill both your destiny and the other’s in equal measure.

In Gratitude and Light,


Photo: The Moon and Venus over Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA. Credit: James Young.
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.

Aspects of Note This Week

All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours.

MON: Sun semisquare Pluto 10:44 p.m., Venus conjunct South Node 10:53 p.m.
WED: Sun sextile Mars 6:32 p.m.
THU: Sun square Ceres 3:10 a.m., Mars quincunx Ceres 9:31 a.m.
FRI: Venus square Uranus 4:31 a.m., Venus enters Aquarius 8:45 a.m., Venus sextile Chiron 9:55 p.m.
SAT: Venus semisquare Neptune, Moon conjunct Venus 2:03 p.m.

About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

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