A brief Ascension update for Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019


Maryanne Savino
January 3 at 1:47 AM ·
A brief Ascension update for Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019 🌈

Woah!!! Feeling the energies amplifying as we head towards the first Eclipse of 2019, it’s this Saturday Jan 5th, a partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. And to top that off, Solar winds are heading our way and expected to arrive by Friday or Saturday. Check out www.spaceweather.com

Many are feeling exhausted/fatigue, waves of heat & sweating, dehydrated, throbbing headache and sinus pressure, throat irritation, low back and hip discomfort/pain, tightness in mid back, stiff neck and joints, muscle spasms, itchy scalp and skin, old childhood wounds and ancestral patterning is surfacing for resolve and release, feeling disconnected from the world outside (like your a stranger in a strange land), dizziness, anxious and agitated, strange and vivid dreams, voracious appetite and cravings one minute then no desire for food at all, feeling vulnerable, emotional and crying a river, ringing in ears, blurred vision, digestive discomfort, heightened sensitivity, and I can go on and on.

**We can’t always assume that our symptoms are Ascension related and even if they are it’s always a good idea to get checked out by your health care provider just to be sure **

We’re being upgraded and infused with photon Light of Higher Frequencies…this is necessary to help us release old programming that has been keeping us living small and limited. We are purging other lifetimes…transmuting the density and distortions that we’ve been carrying in our DNA for eons. This is no small or easy task. Surrendering and Embracing these energy shifts helps to ease the symptoms, when we resist they persist. There’s lots of fear and anger in the collective consciousness that’s triggering our own personal fears and anger, acknowledge it and then let it flow and let it go!!

We are Bright Lights in Human form making a great difference….paving the way forward…in case you’ve forgotten who you are…just remember you are a LIGHT WARRIOR STARSEED SHINING YOUR BEAUTIFUL RADIANT SOUL here on MOTHER EARTH!!! Just thought I’d remind you 🤩🤣😁😂💜💕💚💙

Eclipses are a great opportunity to release what no longer serves us. And we’ve just begun a new year, so we are being Divinely guided to step into our Mastery and Live from our unique essence. 2019 is a 3 in Numerology…it’s time to express our Creativity and Live from Joy!! We got this and we are moving forward, even if it’s in small steps….Mars just moved into Aries…Woohoo!!! Here we go 😁👍💜

Remember to take time out for self care and embrace your Beautiful self with Love and Comfort. It’s our birthright to Live in Harmony and with Joy. LOVE is the balm that restores us and reminds us that we are Whole 😘💗💃🌈🌠😁🌟

Sending lots of Love and Support your way 😃💕🦋
Many Bright Blessings,
Maryanne Savino, xox


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