Creator Creating With Your Power by jenniferfarley


December 22, 2018
Creating With Your Power

Creating With Your Power
by jenniferfarley

Now that the new shift energy is finally coming in, it is time to get down to the creation of your new year and world. Have you been striving for ‘quiet time’? Manifesting new opportunities, financial well-being or connections with others? Now is the time to begin the process! Keep in mind, there is no ‘wrong’ way to create…the only rule is to keep it positive! Saying to The Universe, “Please don’t send me more of that” will, of course, create more of that. (Smiling)

You have forgotten how immense your power truly is, dearest child! If the source is pure, it can never be corrupted or changed or used against you. Release your attachments to the negatives in your life and let The Universe use that pure power to help you create the beauty you have always desired. It is possible, and you can do it! ~ Creator


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