Creator via Jennifer Farley


You Are Loved Regardless


Yet another gentle reminder; any emotion that you choose to hold may magnify.  Right now, your world is attempting to spoon-feed fear to anyone that will listen.  Yes, even you.  You do, however, have options;

  1.  You can be enveloped in and ‘take the bait’ hook, line and sinker, feeding into the mass consciousness with that fear and allow it to multiply.
  2. You can release it and send it out to The Universe to be transformed to light and love, which in turn will reflect back to you, back out and so on.
  3. You can do nothing, hold no opinion, offer and receive nothing.

Each decision carries with it the weight to change your existence to whatever you choose.  Regardless of what you decide, The Universe has given you free reign…the opportunity to do as you will and be supported by Unconditional Love.  That is precisely the reason it is unconditional. (Smiling) ~ Creator


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