An Energy Boost for Creating Your Most Joyful Work and Income 🌟 ✨ 💚


Greetings, Amazing One!

Huge thanks to all who watched the Collective’s Abundance Video #2, and left their comments on Facebook or answered the survey!

You are a tremendous help in reshaping what the Abundance Group offers!

It feels like excitement is building about what’s coming next for the group – the FB page has 140 new members, and attendance at the Wednesday night calls has doubled.

I see people reaching forward now as I first did nearly 30 years ago, refusing to accept a small and limited life.

I had to do something— even with two college degrees, working hard all the time, trying to believe in myself, I was still struggling financially, and my quality of life (relationships, health, job, self-image) was very low.

The shift came when I started accepting channeled energy healing and prosperity methods, via books and guided meditations.

But let’s look at what your life: the first two videos discussed two of the biggest Abundance blocks: Feeling unworthy or undeserving, and not knowing which manifestation methods will work for you.

The most recent survey asked about the Abundance obstacles in our Work Life (or retirement or disability) — you said the hardest parts were:

  • “Starting from zero. I want to be self-sufficient, successful, and of good service, through fulfilling, creative, lucrative self-employment, but I am stuck over How can I create that. It takes money to make money.”
  • “Subconscious programming, past life karma, outdated family/tribal beliefs.”
  • “I do not have a business, and my retirement income is not sufficient. At 75, I am also limited in the job search by health concerns.”
  • I’m the biggest obstacle! I get lost along the way, throwing monkey wrenches of doubt and unworthiness onto my path. I also get hung up on when-where-how.”
  • “Not feeling worthy of it. Scarcity consciousness.”
  • “I’m retired, so I guess I’m believing there’s no potential for increase.”
  • “Trusting that people would want to pay the amount that corresponds to the value of my service.”
  • “I do visualise and give thanks for my desired outcome. I believe it is created, but believe that my soul sees benefit in not connecting me to it.”
  • “Undercharging for my services, which leads me back to unworthiness, in a loop.”
  • “It feels too daunting to explain what I can offer to potential clients, who are not seeking change.”
  • “My impatience with the timing of the manifestation.”
  • “I have debt, and can’t afford to retire, so can’t afford my dream life of training to be an energy healer.”
  • “Imprints from this and past lives. In a past life, I was robbed and lost money and my future, then died soon after.”

We’ve spent centuries experiencing unworthiness, lack-and-struggle beliefs, low or no wages, family and ancestral trauma. We might get a break here and there – and then the struggle-and-lack cycle returns — in this life.

Thankfully, Transformation means plenty more than just transforming your outer situation.

The Collective’s energy work cleanses our subconscious of the deeply held beliefs and the etheric traps that have held us in self-defeating patterns and dense energies.

Because when we heal from within – yikes! Our whole perspective, vibration, and expectations shift. And our outer circumstances must follow.

In today’s video, the Collective take us to a place of healing and release from the blocks that keeps us from developing the work or independent income that is our birthright.

I’ve posted Video #3 on The Abundance Group Facebook page — just scroll down a bit, or watch the video here, on my website.

When we include the healing and renewal of energy work, we get a huge vibrational lift:

1 – Releasing us from the old patterns – Current and past-life oaths, sworn vows, personal and ancestral trauma, family and cultural beliefs, inherited traits, and other limiting patterns.

2 – Opening us up to the self-Love and feelings of worthiness needed to accept Abundance — opportunities, Love, money, good health, Peace of mind, and more.

This opens the door to the whole new life you’ve envisioned:

  • Receiving the sums needed to pay off debts completely, and not accumulate new ones
  • Doing your life work in ways both fulfilling and Abundant
  • Developing self-Love and a deep realization of self-worth
  • Celebrating your bank balance and giving thanks, no matter what
  • Changing how you see life, so that you reign triumphant over it — not squashed by life’s ups and downs

This is why the Abundance Group is here, and why the every-other-Wednesday calls are free and open to everyone. 

Enjoy Video #3 from the Collective, on The Abundance Group Facebook page — please do leave your comments below the post!

Or watch Video #3 on my website, then fill in the quick 2-question survey.

If you would like to go further – to receive personal assistance, support, answers, and encouragement from the Collective, then Full or Basic Membership in TAG may be for you.

Watch for Video #4 in a few days — the Collective will address our thoughts/emotions about money, and how powerful they are.

And I’ll be talking about a chance to make some huge changes — outwardly and energetically – for when you’re ready to move your transformation to a whole new level.

That offer that will also have some wonderful bonuses attached, and will only be available for only five days.

So stay tuned, and stay joyful!

Your journey is only going to get more beautiful and exciting from here on!

Huge blessings, and much Love and Light,


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