Creator via Jennifer Farley


Shine Your Light

Just for your information; the most current shift is more than just chaos and turmoil.  It may feel that way, however, if you sit quietly and listen…the abundance of information will come to you.

It is about love….it is about copious amounts of unconditional love – for self and others.

It is about self-care and healing – releasing the things that have been holding you back and taking care of the sacred vessel that is your body.

It is about learning to live a judgment free life – moving forward without being tethered by negative thoughts about yourself and from others.

It is about boundaries – finding out how to comfortably establish and maintain them.

Most of all, it is about embracing who and why you are here – knowing you have chosen this time to shine your light into a space where it will do the most good.

Everything you have learned this lifetime is being used to raise the vibrational level of your Earth plane right now, in this moment.  Do not let this amazing opportunity pass you by! ~ Creator


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