You Are All Beings of Love ∞The Creators


“When we tell you that you are a Being of Love, you may wish to consider the ramifications of that statement. When you just accept that it is true without integrating it in any way, it becomes like a bumper sticker or a refrigerator magnet that may sound nice and make others smile, but it will not have the impact on you until you fully believe and process that little piece of information. What does it mean to be a Being of Pure Love? What is that all about?

You have no real representation of this in your experience. You are usually experiencing a very conditional love, or no love whatsoever. When we say that you are Love, we mean that the material from which you are made is Love. There is no separation between you and the Love that is at your core. You are an extension of that Love, and you are making everything in your life out of that Prime Substance of all things and all beings.

That means that you can create something that doesn’t look anything at all like Love, and that does not feel anything like Love. Just as you have substances here on your planet that you can mold into other things, and when someone asks, ‘What is that made of?’ And you say, ‘Well I made that out of soda cans,’ then the person is astonished because what they are looking at does not in any way represent the image they have of a soda can. And so it is with Love.

So you can take Love and you can make it into something that it appears not to be, or you can take it and you can turn it into something that is wonderful and creative and inclusive of other beings. We want you to consider this to be an exercise for you. What is it that you can do with this substance called Love? What is it that you can feel? How many different experiences and ways of knowing Love are there? It is infinite. It is always expanding, and it is your True Self, your Absolute Being-ness. Your very Nature.”


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