What’s Changed for You?


Change is Good

Looking back on 2017, sometimes it’s hard to see the changes that have occurred. Energetically it was an intense year in the beginning (most of the year, actually!), though that has smoothed out somewhat since September/October.

Change is constant, and how we deal with it determines our experience of life. Recently I’ve been dealing with some interesting changes. Physical symptoms, things resurfacing for another layer of healing, the “barometer” tests to see where I’m at on something (still processing sometimes)…not always fun, but always worth it.

Yet through it all, there is an underlying stillness that isn’t always as accessible as I would like, but there it is. That is the main thing that has changed for me on this process of Ascension. More Love within ease, and more peace within chaos. The rest is just details.

This week’s article is about challenges flowing into changes. How are you feeling with your changes?

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Much Love,


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