Enlightening Videos 20150430 Video: Matt Kahn – A Message to All Lightworkers


 Creative E 6-8


A big Thank You to Sheryl, our volunteer from the Gaia Scene forum, who wrote this summary for Matt Kahn’s one-hour video.

Matt’s message to lightworkers is a home run! Right off to bat, as he speaks to all lightworkers, he offers an alternative path to clearing karmic and cellular memories. As this piqued my interest, I listened and laughed aloud when Matt mentioned, “Just when you think you’ve cleared it all out, it seems when you look back it’s as though it was never touched.” Do we relate to this comment?

This is what he calls ‘phase one’ of healing and clearing of old debris. His question to us is, ‘Are we waiting for the universe to tell us when to move from this phase?’ The answer may surprise some.

We move ourselves through our own power of divine authority to yet another phase.

We are the universe waiting to tell ourselves, “I’ve had enough!” I’d like to move on to my next phase!”

What if we tune in more to playing this transition game? When we have cleared enough cellular debris, we become aware of higher-vibration choices that contain more of our power, courage, and consciousness, and then act upon these choices; choices to become more open, softer, receptive, and more conscious.

Participating in this phase-two game, the madness and craziness we once experienced stops. What say we team up with the heart to make the choices that are for our best interest!

Matt shares his personal journey and secret to success as a lightworker, and dares himself to do everything that the world inspired in him to tell us.

He asks the question, “What can I do to better myself, to become softer for the well-being of all and to self?

Using this second phase, he invites all to choose the most powerful reason for the choices we make, using the law of attention. We gain access to the new by bringing new reasons through our choices. In practicing this, Matt calls it, ‘The Road to Salvation’.

As we continue on with our lightworker team game play, Matt invites us to go easy on ourselves, using humor, especially towards our thoughts.  In an interesting comment he says,  “Remember, everything we do is alright, which in turn frees us from self-judgment of thought. It is all for fun when we play with the universe in full capacity.”

We do not have to painfully slide to home base unless, of course, the reasoning behind this choice is for the benefit of all concerned. We arrive when we accept that we are the power in our own reality in our own world.  Score! We move ourselves through our own power of divine authority to yet another phase.

“A Message to All Lightworkers,” by Matt Kahn, February 17, 2015, at http://www.truedivinenature.com

Source Link: Matt Kahn – True Divine Nature







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