Whidbey minus Brad: From left, Wendy, Kathleen, Laurel, Christopher, Pushkara
Posted by Steve Beckow
Kathleen and I are driving up Whidbey Island tonight enroute to Bellingham, our last stop on the West Coast Express.
We’ve just had the pleasure of talking with members of a mature lightworker community and perhaps I can illustrate what I mean by discussing one project they engaged in.
Pushkara wanted to build a gypsy wagon that she could take to peace rallies and “Occupy†events. It was designed to serve as a focal point and could be lived in at the same time, as a home on wheels. (It may even have application as a model home for the homeless.)
She put out the invitation to help her build it and members of the Whidbey and Port Townsend communities responded, contributed their workmanship, donated pretty impressive materials and everything else that was needed and the gypsy wagon was built.
If the lightworker community was not mature, probably no one would have listened to the invitation, no one would have taken it up, no one would have contributed materials, and no one would have built it.
But the fact that such a project, which benefited no one but society, was built is testimony to the fact that this community of lightworkers know how to work together, are willing to sustain the effort, and and can be counted on to contribute what’s needed to complete the job. Ordoinarily we might pass by without noticing it. But noticing it reveals a community that is organized, mature and kind-hearted.
I was impressed to see the various communal projects they’d undertaken or were undertaking. One man planted hundreds of fruit trees on several acres which are destined for free community use.
Pushkara herself is working on the homeless situation in Whidbey. Over 400 people are homeless here.
The members of the group described numerous other projects that light workers on Whidbey had undertaken.
One homeless man joined the meet-up. I hope he’ll contribute an article on what his experience of homelessness has been like.
He isn’t out on the street. He lives in a van. He’s a very intelligent man (probably a polymath) and a committed lightworker. I can see him working to end homelessness once the Reval has occurred.
Some people reported difficulties creating the needed momentum for some projects. I’d like to repeat a comment I made on that subject.
If we want our project ideas to inspire people enough that they take committed action, the first thing we need to create is a global context for them that inspires. If we plant fruit trees to benefit the community and that’s the sole context we operate in, I’m not clear that we’d generate a great deal of enthusiasm for it. We might but it might not last past the duration of the actual planting.
But if we build it as the first step toward ending global hunger on the planet by 2017 by modeling planting for communal use, we may transform our idea from one of limited appeal to one of a much greater and deeper commitment – an idea whose time has come.
A truly global context is holistic, universal, and inclusive. It describes a whole. It applies everywhere. And it leaves no one out, unless they want to be left out or disqualify themselves by acting in ways that the society as a whole won’t tolerate or condone.
A truly global context calls us forth. Imagine a person sitting down and hearing an irresistible call, standing up, and even jumping up and down. Whatever the speaker said has greatly excited them and brought them to their feet. This is a metaphor for being called forth.
I don’t mean to say that we get up on our feet and jump up and down. But being called forth sees us reach a place where we’re ready to take committed action, with no reservations. It creates enthusiasm. It moves us to action. It inspires momentum.
So if we want to create a cooperative venture characterized by committed action from inspired and enthusiastic people, we need to start by creating one or more global contexts, such as an end to hunger on the planet by a certain date, an end to gender persecution, an end to homelessness, etc.
To allow for coordination of committed action, all our global projects should have a deadline attached. The end of homelessness by Jan. 1, 2016. The end of hunger by Jan. 1, 2017. The end of gender persecution by Jan. 1, 2018.
There is a technology for creating large-scale projects in the work of building Nova Earth. I’m not saying I know what it is. I’ve written one article speculating on some features of it, (1) but others more knowledgable than I will need to mine this field, organize it and apply it.
But we can and must, as a community of lightworkers, enunciate and develop the technology of running large-scale projects, given the work that lies ahead of us and the large contexts we’ll be operating in.
(1) “The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 1/2,†athttp://goldenageofgaia.com/ 2010/08/10/the-principles-of- largescale-employment- projects-part-1/; “The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 2/2,†at /http://goldenageofgaia.com/2010/08/10/the-principles-of-large-scale-employment-projects-part-23/; “The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 3/3,†at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2010/08/10/the-principles-of-largescale-employment-projects-part-33/.