Ascended Masters 20140707 Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Message from One Year Ago – July 7-14, 2013


hilarion2 (1) Masters 5.11

Posted by Andrea Scully

Hilarion: Message from One Year Ago, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, July 7-14, 2013,

Beloved Ones,

As the completion of many issues comes to a close in your personal lives, know that there is a turning point approaching that will see you finally free of the heavier densities that you have been grappling with.

This was because many of you have chosen to take on and experience these lower vibrations as a way to facilitate a speedier cleansing of the collective field of humanity which surrounds the Earth.

The field has been cleansed for the most part, and this now makes it easier for awakening souls to deal with their personal issues, which are beginning to surface as the energies increase and intensify. That which you have completed is now being experienced by the general populace, but without the accumulated density from generations past to encumber them.

It is important for each of you to maintain your high connection with your higher self and your spiritual guidance at all times, and to avoid being drawn in to the personal and collective dramas that are occurring.

Your task is to remain centered upon creating and holding the vision of a new reality of a better life for all. Know that this can be a tricky process as those you love and care about will be going through their own growth process of awakening awareness, and this can affect your own equilibrium and balance in your desire to help them. Empower them as best you can while knowing that only they can go through whatever it is they are going through. No one else can walk their chosen path for them.

You it is, who are the light of the world during these times, so it is important that you continue to nurture and care for yourselves. As the downloads of energy activation continue, rest as much as you can, to assimilate and absorb these with greater ease and grace, and always maintain your daily disciplines to keep your personal energy field strong and healthy.

Picture and know yourself as a being of light, a rainbow bridge between heaven and earth, a conduit of love that is bringing in and anchoring heaven on Earth. Honor yourself for playing this role and hold steady. Your way is now becoming easier, as humanity as a whole is willing to take greater responsibility for all that occurs in the world around them.

The signs are everywhere that change is the impetus of these times, and this requires changes within society. All that was accepted as the norm can no longer be relied upon as a given, for all is now in a state of flux, and humanity must become adaptable and changeable as well.

They must dig deep within to find their own connection to Source and as the changes occur, this will be accomplished. They will realize that the acquisition of the things of this world was not the primary purpose for their being upon this planet, that these things can quickly disappear in a way that is out of their control, and that what is really important is the connection they have with each other.

Continue to stand firmly in your light, while being grounded into your planet as you pioneer the way forward. It is only upon your own connection to Source that you can count on.

Become the observer of all that comes into your own field of possibilities so that you can maneuver your way into the unknown. Know thyself, for this is the key to everything. You and you alone, hold the key to the kingdom within you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2013-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.




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