Contacting Beings of Light 20130925 Share The Love ~ via Bella Capozzi


By Ascension Earth 2012

~ One of the easiest and most gratifying ways of increasing your abundance is by helping others increase theirs.  Sharing and giving of yourself instantly raises your vibration.  Your heart chakra opens wide, allowing love to both flow outward into the world, and also allowing love to enter in. Haven’t you ever noticed that warm, exciting rush of joy that you get whenever you engage in an unselfish act of kindness? 

~ Today I’ve drawn a card from the Magical Unicorns deck.  It is very simply entitled, “Share.”  On this card is a picture of a Unicorn, bedecked in garlands of brilliant red roses.  There are two Fairies present – one who rides upon the Unicorn’s back and another who is sharing freely from a basket which is overflowing with flowers!  The little Fairy decorates the gentle Unicorn.  In the process of doing this she is creating beauty with this act of generosity.  The Unicorn looks down at her, his eyes filled with gratitude, appreciation and love.  The Fairy atop the Unicorn’s back smiles brightly down at her, offering her more love and happiness in reciprocation.

~ You have the ability to greatly affect the world around you by simply intending that it be so.  Imagine your heart is open and envision waves upon waves of glittering pink Light pouring forth and saturating everyone and everything around you.  This pretty pink energy is the highly therapeutic and healing in nature.  It is the energetic frequency of the Mother, the Divine Feminine, and it is ever so much more powerful than you could imagine!

~ Another way to set into motion a chain reaction of love, healing and abundance is to share of your skills and abilities with those who are in need.  Share of  your time and volunteer where your efforts are required most.  Do what you do best, and help out a neighbor or a friend.  Are you working on a household cleaning project?  If so, rather than sell all of your unwanted items – donate them to your local homeless shelter or charitable organization.  Surprise a friend with a special gift, or an invitation to dinner, without it having to be a special occasion!

~ Also, don’t forget that it’s also okay to allow yourself to receive.  As you give openly of yourself, wonderful things will naturally come to you.  Such is the way of the Universe.  And when all is said and done, let your heart sing with gratitude.  Then watch the magic happen!

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