We wish to mention two things before we begin today’s usual message. First, we wish to make notice of the outpouring of compassion and love that continues to happen on the anniversary of the event of 9-11. It has truly become a uniting of hearts around the world. Also, let us celebrate those across the globe who contributed loving intent which has resulted in a taming of the hounds of war. Those who wish to plunge you into yet another crisis have not yet given up, but you are presently able to see the effect of your efforts. We celebrate this with you and ask that you continue.
Having begun by mentioning that, let us continue by discussing the growing effect, the rising visibility of the effects of your changing consciousness. Each of you has a consciousness, yes. Better said, each of you is a consciousness. But you are beginning to see that the consciousness that you are is also a part of something far larger. You are beginning to see just what you can do, how powerful you are.
This has been hidden from you for far too long. But that condition cannot be maintained any longer. The proverbial genie is out of the bottle now and cannot be put back.
You will gain confidence and trust in yourselves from evidence such as this. You will begin to find a new freedom. You will find an altogether unexpected source of a new sense of worth. And finally you will find new reason to feel a love of self and a love of everyone around you. These are natural steps of discovery which you will find along your way. Simply put, you will learn love.
Allow that to be the beacon which guides you along your way. It does already surround you, you know. When you can feel past the protective layers you have built around yourselves, and you are making great progress in that regard, you will know that we are with you in each moment. You will feel our love in every breath you take. You will know beyond doubt that we are here, that you are truly and deeply loved. And you will learn who you truly are.
You have been told over and over who that is, dear friends. But now make it your experience. Become the YOU of your most wonderful dreams. It is time.
In loving support, we wish you good day.
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/