Messages of Light 20130324 ~ # 41 Prosperity – A Melchizedek Lineage Message – Randall T. Monk


#41 Prosperity – A Melchizedek Lineage Message

Greetings, beloved. You came into this world as a master creator. You were born in the image and likeness of your Creator and as such you too are a creator – a master creator. It is a matter of remembering – remembering the art and science of conscious creation.

You are always creating. However, to create with intent you must be very clear about what it is you want to manifest. Then you must believe that you can create what you envision and are worthy of it. The next step is to let go, release attachment to the outcome. Allow the Universe to orchestrate the necessary synchronistic events in order to bring forth your creation into your physical world; when doubt arises because your dream is not manifesting quickly enough, recall the feeling of joy and the satisfaction of having your desire, as if you already have it.

Prosperity is a vibration. You are emanating a frequency at all times, thus you are continually creating. The question we ask you dear one is, are you emitting a vibration of prosperity or something less? The key to bringing forth what you desire is in your frequency. Look within and consider this question: are you going about your day emanating an energy pattern of confidence regarding your financial situation? If not, you will be receiving something less than the monetary abundance you seek.

Look to your feelings as you go about your day. Do you feel lack or abundance? Look to your feelings, your thoughts and your vibration as you go about your daily tasks. Are you feeling good, are you feeling confident, are you feeling secure, are you feeling appreciative? If you are not sending forth positive frequency patterns via your emotions, you will not be manifesting that which you desire, because your vibrations do not match your intentions. Your energetic signature always matches your life experience.

Your feelings must complement your desires, as if you already have what you envision. These feelings cannot be contrived. You cannot fool the Universe. Your vibration is what you are emanating to the Universe and this cannot be forged. You can change your energy pattern in the blink of an eye by changing your thoughts and feelings, dear one. You can change your vibration quite easily and, by changing your vibration, you change your circumstances. You can tell if you are sending a positive signal by how you feel. If you feel uplifted you are sending a positive signal and if you feel uncomfortable, bad or off-center you are sending a different signal to the Universe.

As you go about each moment of your day make a commitment that you will only embrace thoughts that enable you to send a positive supportive vibration to the Universe and your life will change accordingly.

If you feel doubt arise, acknowledge what you are experiencing, then bring forth a feeling of confidence, a feeling of security, a feeling of being prosperous… embracing life as you go joyfully and confidently about your day.

If you are experiencing ANYTHING less than prosperity and abundance in your life, you have the ability to change this by changing your energy pattern, which can be altered with your thoughts and feelings.

Do you believe that you can do this? If not, you will not be able to do it. For this to work, you must believe that you are capable of changing your circumstances, then take action and do it.

We encourage you to go about your day feeling confident, feeling prosperous and feeling joyful. It is a choice. It is your choice, and by making this choice you determine the quality of your life. You are in control, dear one, whether you know it or not. At this very moment you are creating your life, and you can change your life by changing your frequency. How? Every thought and action creates a vibrational pattern, whether positive or negative. Change your vibration and you will change your life.

What do you want your life to look like? Be very clear about what it is you want; see it, feel it, and continue doing so until it manifests in your life. Let go of your attachment to the outcome. Anticipate living the life you envision for yourself or even something better, and wait for it to manifest without concern about how or when it happens. Just pay attention to your vibration, to the signal you are sending to the Universe. That is all you need to do dear one. By feeling good you are bringing good fortune into your life.

Ask for our help and we will be there as you travel along your journey.

You are loved beyond your knowing dear one.

Notes from Randy:

This message is about prosperity, but the same principles apply to anything we want to create in life.

Many of us are going through challenging times; for many it is regarding a life issue that keeps resurfacing. The method given above for prosperity applies to any and all areas of life. Normally it is not easy to shift our thinking from an unpleasant experience to a pleasing outcome, but that is what it takes to shift the energy and change our frequency.

We are like beacons sending signals which return to us manifesting in the form of experiences. The energy moves both from us and to us, returning that which we send. That’s why it can feel like we are in a rut when we keep experiencing the same thing over and over again. It’s because we are still broadcasting the same energy… the same frequency. And it will keep happening until we effectively deal with the issue in a constructive way.

The interesting thing is that our energy signature can provide a form of protection; on the other hand it can attract misfortune, depending on our vibration. For some that may be difficult to accept. We are creators and create via our frequency. I consider my vibration (which is my energy signature) to be my protection, because like attracts like, and if I am sending out a high frequency signal I am attracting a similar vibration, a comparable signal. Therefore, I do not need any other form of protection; I am not drawing anything of a lower vibration to me that I need to be protected from. Rather, I am attracting high vibrational experiences and beings, both physical and nonphysical.

An example in my life is my relationships, including family, friends, acquaintances, even strangers who I interact with. Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the time, the people I interact with are friendly, courteous individuals and that is because I endeavor to be friendly and considerate with a sincere smile, thus attracting people with a similar vibration into my life.

Be joyful, embrace life and thrive!

With love,


©2013 – Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission. Randall T. Monk,



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