Awakening News 20130310 ~ The Power of Sound Frequencies To Change Your Brain Waves & Create Positive Results


The Power of Sound Frequencies To Change Your Brain Waves & Create Positive Results

Can we enhance our creativity, intuitive insights, memory, intelligence and health by altering our brain waves?

Yes. The ancients understood that sound can help us alter our consciousness and unleash mind powers that are normally not accessible to us in ordinary consciousness. Anthropologists who have studied ancient shamanic rituals have found that shamans, for example, have long used the rhythmic sounds of drum beats to induce altered states of consciousness. Scientists have found that specific drum beat frequencies can produce theta brain waves, which match meditative states.

In a nutshell, there are four recognized brain wave ranges: Beta (14-30 Hz) is present in normal waking consciousness; Alpha (7-14 Hz) in states of relaxation; Theta (4-7 Hz) in meditative states; and the slowest, Delta (0.5-4 Hz) in deep sleep and profound meditative states. The most recently researched brain frequency is Gamma, which is the fastest, about 30.0 Hz and higher. Why are brain waves important? You can use sound to positively alter your brain wave frequencies and produce specific desired results.

The theta mind state, for example, is associated with many extraordinary and even super human abilities. Shamans and other people who live close to the earth, such as the Aborigines of Australia, have long been known for possessing super human powers. According to stories passed on by shamans of the Southwest, Sitting Bull and Geronimo used mind powers to time travel, walk without leaving foot-prints, communicate with plants and discover miraculous cures.

Sounds are waves, which can be measured as frequency. Frequency is measured in Hertz “Hz” units; it’s the number of waves that pass by per second. An “A” note on a violin string, for example, vibrates at about 440 Hz (440 vibrations per second).

Studies have demonstrated that when people listen to sounds that are in the theta range (4.0- 7.0 Hz), they enter deep meditative states and tend to have greater visualizations, inspiration and reprogramming abilities than when they are in the ordinary waking state of beta.  While meditative states, such as theta, are enormously valuable, the higher frequency states, such as beta/gamma, also provide their own benefits. If you want to enhance your mind abilities while you are working on your computer or doing analytical work that requires high-alert states, you can benefit from listening to beta/gamma frequencies. These higher frequency sound waves are associated with bursts of insights, high-level information processing and certain cognitive activities, such as analysis and math.

We all can learn how to use the power of sound to change our brain waves and enhance our lives in specific ways.

There are many ways to alter your brain waves. You can, for example, tune into the natural sounds of nature during a vision quest or listen to brain entrainment audios. It is easy and practical for anyone to positively influence their brain waves in extraordinary ways once we expand our awareness of the options available to us.



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