Ascended Masters 20130218 AA Uriel: Invite Source’s Will Into Your Reality By Jennifer Hoffman



Throughout many eons of time and within many lifetimes the nature of Source has been misrepresented to being greater than humanity so that Source is in control or in charge of what happens within the third dimension. This misuse of the true nature of the Source/human partnership has allowed all of humanity to greatly underestimate its power and the nature and purpose of its journey on earth. So the phrase ‘Thy Will Be Done” is also misused and is actually a prayer of reconnection and not an acknowledgement of human frailty, weakness, powerlessness or servitude in the face of the Divine.

There are two aspects of will available in each choice. The will of ego and the Will of the divine or Source, and they are both part of you. When you choose from the ego you engage the will; when you choose from your divinity you activate the Will of your divine partnership with Source. This is not asking permission of Source to make a choice, it is inviting Source to participate in the choice so you are acting from the highest possible frequency, limitless knowledge, and greatest potential. You do not need permission from Source in any aspect of your lives because each of you is here as a spark of divine light and on a mission of healing, ascension, and evolution. You are an emissary of the light whose purpose is to bring light to the world so it can know itself as divine and express its divine Will.

‘Thy Will be done’ is your way of confirming to Source that have opened your heart and mind so Source can enter your experience and share a higher energy, perspective and level of knowing with you. With this phrase you are, in fact, creating a space for heaven on earth.

“Thy Will’ does not mean that God is an extra party to the situation, that you step aside and allow God to function without your participation. This would make you a servant, one who has no choice or power and must respond according to a divine directive. This violates the law of free will. You cannot be both servant and master in your life, following commands while leading the ascension and evolution of your heart, with humanity, the earth and the Universe.  It also does not mean that you set aside your power to allow Source to take over. ‘Thy will be done’ acknowledges that you are willing to allow your God light to be shine in your material reality in that instant. You open your heart to allow the Divine to share the experience with you and instead of you as creator through your ego’s will, you are choosing to experience this moment with Source as co-creators and divine Will.

“Be Done” indicates that you are willing to allow your reality to unfold in the perfection of Divine Will, with divine timing, effortless grace and ease and in the flow of what is in your highest and best good. In this beautiful moment you resonate with and can create the highest and best outcome that expands your human knowing into its divine perfection. You have become a co-creator with Source by creating space within your ego and will, along with all of its limitations of the third dimension and acknowledging and giving voice to your divinity. And in this moment your life purpose of reconnection and ascension are fulfilled and you have created heaven on earth.


Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may translate, quote, copy, or link to this article as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All  other uses are strictly prohibited.




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