Channeler:Â Yshatar (Ashtar Transmissions)
 Cmdr Ashtar can you tell me about what is going on now with this hurricane and earthquake? is this weather wars or is it natural? or something different?
Ashtar: What you are seeing here is your planet aligning and adjusting herself to the pull of the energies of the galactic alignment to complete on Dec 21st coupled with the powerful pull of a full moon. It is nothing to be alarmed about, this does NOT signal the end of the world/doomsday and it is not weather wars or HAARP. Think of it as labor, when a baby is ready to be born the baby lowers itself in to its mothers womb in preparation for the journey through the birth canal and out in to a new world, likewise your planet is positioning herself getting ready to journey through new energies and birth a higher consciousness through new portals that will re-align her with much more powerful cosmic energies.
Should we expect more of this as we move closer to Dec 21st?:
Ashtar: So far from what I am able to sense your planet has positioned herself enough for now and has adjusted to the energies so no further major disturbances until spring 2013 and so on. But please remember that your planet is a sentient being, a conscious being and is very much alive and intelligent, therefor her plans can change at any time. She also urges her children (humanity) to remain centered and balanced and to maintain a balanced healthy vibration and outlook as you move on through Dec 21st 2012, to please focus on remaining heart centered, and to understand that her shift to another dimension on the end of the Mayan calendar is a shift to another consciousness but it is a slow process and can not happen over night. She is contracting and her waters are spilling forth washing the areas that need help with love and light energy. With that said, change on your planet can not happen over night, there are still many suffering on your planet but the burden has become lessened simply because humanities heart centers are activating and many are remembering their connection to one another and to all life, therefor more people are feeding the hungry, helping the poor and reaching out to their fellow man, so while the ascension may not happen all at once, it is occurring already in the hearts of every person on Earth and this is how change in your world will come about, how it is assured. Love always finds a way.
Is there anything we can do to ease her transition?
For now continue to help your fellow man, continue to care about your environment and send loving thoughts to her and to all that share your world. Especially in these times send her healing energies, make her aware that you are in this together, believe in her and believe that she will take you safely through the transition in to the higher dimensions (higher consciousness) as best as she possibly can, she dos not wish to end all life on Earth or to be destroyed…not when the party has just started! your beautiful planet is ready for her makeover and you must stand by her, stand up for her and protect her. Envision her pristine and healthy. Your mind brothers and sisters is very powerful.
Do you have any other messages for us tonight Ashtar?:
Yes but I would like to save it for another post at another time. I sense you are tired and would like to meditate. It has been a pleasure being here in this moment and I am very happy that I will be communicating again through you, to all on your Earth, peace, love and blessings…Ashtar