Greetings from Herak/Sirius 20120925 Greetings from Herak/Sirius dated 09.20.2012


Channeled by F.H.Scheffler

Source of German Original : http://


Greetings to you dear Siblings of Light,

From your solar system we now want to inform you furthermore about the opening of transformation to the level of 5th dimension.

In order to securely attain further realms of higher energies the main driving motors in the very best sense of it are :”To forgive yourself” and “Self-Love” of which you are already aware.

Whoever does not conform to these pre-requesites will find it difficult to attain levels of higher dimensions. It is not in vain that you are called the “Ones  on their way to Mastership in higher spheres”.

It is goes without saying that each soul has been given enough time and the framework to attain these goals. There are no distinctions of class whatsoever. Each one follows his/her very own path of inner sense and cannot compel oneself in any way to do so .

However, one of our major concern in all these holy matters of transformation is that you must not forget one simple and so important component of ascension : “Remember to laugh again !

This may happen without any intention or definite reason : “Go more into yourself and be more at ease – this is healing in every way!

We found out that only few human beings practice laughing. This goes especially for your so-called spiritual communities where we noted so much sincerity and doggedness!

Quite certainly you had to go through many painful experience during this and former incarnations so that you had to build up some inner protection – however just now you have to live out what you call the “Ease and Lightness of Being” !

On the material level little things are needed in order to laugh out uninhibitedly ! Just laugh about yourselves !

Not the laughter of ridiculing others is meant but just laughing for no reason at all in a way of “giggling”! Please, do laugh again more and more.

If you sensed how many positive energies could reach your cellular level each time youlaugh hilariously about yourself or any beautiful moment of life!

It is your drama of life in duality which you wanted to experience and you have now to recognize again how simple it is to laugh and to live out how easy it is to laugh and to be !

Concerning us here on our ships we are living out these energies of cheerfulness and laughter and we could not wish more than that you too will take up this road more and more again. Spirituality has nothing to do with doggedness, seriousness and spasm! It is up to beautiful moments of spirituality that take you back into “Easy Doing and Lightness”.

A great actor on your level – Charlie Chaplin – said once: “A day without laughter is a day lost and forlorn !” We shall herewith strongly underline his words and even the more so:” Laugh hilariously from out your full hearts so that your tears are running down your face and your tummy is aching with laughter ! Thus you will be able to let go so much and you are on your road to your further self-centering!

Please, don’t misunderstand our advice. We do not intend to ridicule your great faithfulness to the light. 

We are sensing that these lines will reach one or the other of you and those feeling concerned will know what is meant hereby.

Be merry and and laugh more and more again. We too are glad about the additional energy thus reaching the morphogenetic field !

Thus we are keeping our position and in waves we are sending you our enthusiasm with regard to your work and the newly founded smaller groups in order to establish contacts with us. We do know who has opened up for us and herewith ask you please to continue with such enlightened procedure on the so wonderful planet by name of “Gaia”.

 So be it.


Channeled by Frank H. Scheffler
Source of German Original:
Translated by ContraMary








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