Awakening News 20120916 The Day the Earth Stood Still


When will Disclosure happen? And who will be the first to disclose? Barack Obama? Vladimir Putin? Mexico? Peru? Brazil?

No, our governments did not get the job done. Most of them proved in the end (with the exception of President Obama) to be either corrupt or callous or cowardly – who knows which? No light escapes from those dark corners.

So who will be the first to disclose?

Lightworkers took it into their own hands and disclosed! Why didn’t we think of it three years ago!

Now it’s time for other lightworkers to push this cart forward, Some of you have opened blogsites: post the video. Some of you are talkshow hosts: promote it. Some of you are videomakers: make your own video. Heavens, there are so many articles in the righthand column that can furnish the script, so many photos and videos around the web to take from, what on Earth are we waiting for?

Sierra Neblina, Co-host of Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond

This is our time to show existing governments just how irrelevant they’ve made themselves become.  We know that NESARA will be announced soon. The very day we learned that, the Disclosure video came out. And there are other things happening behind the scenes that are due to be announced soon that I know you’ll like. One of those other things also was organized today. I can’t tell you how productive today was. And this is how it’s going to be from now on.

Linda Dillon, channel for An Hour with an Angel and Heavenly Blessings

Today lightworkers took the matter into their own hands of informing the world that they’re heeeeere, and we know they’re here, and now the world does too.

This is the day the Earth stood still, people’s jaws hung open, the greatest secret on Earth was revealed, the cabal unmasked, the politicians upstaged, and the truth revealed.

And for me personally it means one less secret. Now you know. And you and you and you.

Graham has been working on this video for perhaps two weeks. Up nights, asleep days. All the other show hosts have been honing their parts and practicing. Other 2012S editors have been gathering photos and videos. Many of Luisa Vasconcellos’s translators sat in as witnesses. What a lot of fun it was.

It’s 2:00 a.m. and I’ve finished editing tapes, sending them out by WeTransfer, arranging tomorrow’s meetings, even answering a few emails, and at last there’s time for sleep. But our galactic family, working away above us to get rid of the chemtrails and depleted uranium in the air, mitigate storms, clean up the seas, and moderate the movements of the Earth’s tectonic plates never sleeps.

Disclosure has now occurred. Yes, a small Disclosure, but like a virus that gets into the machine, capable of going global and blowing the lid off secrecy.  Lend us your hand and make this little bomb go viral.

It is time. We know our galactic family is here and we know they’re here to help us achieve a wonderful future. 





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