Awakening News 20120910 Keshe – World Game Changer


IF the CLAIMS being made by M. T. Keshe, an Iranian Nuclear Engineer, ARE TRUE, it could transform the world as we know it.  He has developed a new plasma nuclear system that is the basis for his plasma reactors that can generate energy and gravitational force at room temperature and pressure. 


Energy is produced within this system by the same means that govern the natural dynamics of Earth using geomagnetic forces and principles to create energy, dynamic magnetic fields and gravity.  Through his research in plasma physics it appears he has discovered the principles the universe uses to create itself which are simple but outside the box of conventional scientific thinking.


When fully developed these principles can be applied to virtually every aspect of our lives from free energy and transportation to health, agriculture, clean water and food technology.


He has consigned this technology to Keshe Foundation which is offering it simultaneously to every country in the world so that no one group can use it to dominate the world.  Naturally this could break the stranglehold of the group that currently dominates fossil fuel energy, food production, medicine and the war machine.


It does appear that this is for real and that they are moving ahead on a number of applications of the technology . . .


The foundation website:


Below is part of a response to the threat of Israel and the US invading Iran.  It puts Iran in a whole different light.


You might also find it interesting to note the similarity of the technology spoken of in the response below to the technology deployed in “China’s October Surprise” reported by David Wilcock in December of 2010 whereby a cruse ship, a French nuclear aircraft carrier, a British nuclear submarine, banks of US and NATO ICBMs and a few nuclear power plants and oil refineries were rendered totally inoperable for periods of time in October of 2010 after a warning was sent out to the major governments of the world in August of that year.


Now the role of Iran in enforcing world peace through its newly gained spaceship program:

Iran is and will be the flagship nation for world peace.
Iran has the capability to prevent the start of any war and stifle all future wars with the present knowledge of spaceship technology in its hands. Iran has the capability to prevent the start of any war and stifle all future wars with the present knowledge of spaceship technology in its hands.
Iran the land of peace will be the flagship nation for peace in these so called enforced crises in the world.
Let me explain in simple words what will happen if the triad of the nuclear nations or their proxies decide to attack Iran in the near future.
Iran has never passed its borders in the past three hundred years and will never do so, as we have found war is nothing but a waste of human resources.
In the Iran and Iraq war there were prisoners from twenty seven countries in Iranian prisons, these all being recruited by the same nations who started the new spring uprising in the past year.
The Italian government sold NINE million land mines to the Iraqi government to mine and kill Iranians at any cost.
In Iran every day in the past twenty years up to today, children playing in their homes and gardens are losing their lives and their limbs to these mines, all thanks to Italian hostility and greed.
And I wonder what happened to the cries of the advanced nations of the west to help come and clean up these mines which they supplied; I wonder how many Italians will give the hand of help to fathers and sons who have lost their children and fathers in Iran through these Italian mines in the past year alone.
The Keshe Foundation is developing systems to eradicate these meaningless tools of destruction and greed from the land of peace.
Now one wonders why Italians are in these crises of today as they are paying the price of the murderous recent acts of their fathers to fill the banks of Italy with the blood of innocent children of Iran.
But in the war with Iraq, even though Iran could have crossed the borders of Iraq to recapture and finish the old regime, Iran did not cross its agreed international borders.
The Iranian nation has defended the integrity of the motherland of Iran for centuries and it will do so if need be again, but this time with its new SSP program. If the triad of nations or their proxies try to pass the international Iranian border lines the game will be different.
Iran is at this moment in possession of the most advanced technologies known to man, and it showed a small part of the power and capabilities of this new technology in December of last year by capturing an American (drone) spy plane 27m long at high speed and altitude and under the control of over 8 satellites.
If need be to enforce world peace Iran will show the full might of its spaceship program in an instant to the powers of the world if they cross the borders of Iran.
Iran is the land of Dareush who saved the lives of my Jewish forefathers and in the seventh century the Iranian king saved the Christians by providing them shelter, and now this race have become the present descendants of my blood.
Iran is my Islamic descendant forefathers’ home and land of peace and prosperity and it will teach the world the knowledge of space and the true conduct of real men of integrity.
Iran has the power to bring about world peace though its wisdom and generosity to other nations and religions as it has done in the past, without firing a single shot with its new SSP program.

Let us tell you what will be the consequences of any attack on Iran territorial borders now that Iran is in possession of spaceship technology.

On 21 April 2012 in a meeting at the Keshe Foundation centre, we showed to the world delegation present the SSP system and the video of its capacity to increase its weight, which allows the submergence of the SSP system in the deepest waters of the earth.
And within 36 hours from this meeting on 23.4.2012 we received the presidential decree to silence us as the US realized what has been developed as they have nothing to protect themselves from such an advanced technological gain by Iran and the Keshe Foundation. For the first time they realized how they lost their craft in December of the previous year to Iran, and the US president asked Iran to give their toy back.
With this technology the submariners of any nation contemplating an attack on Iran through the Straights of Hormoze and any waters across the earth will be faced with instant death due to an operational failure of all their systems, as was done with the unmanned aircraft in December of last year. At the same time these craft will maintain their position in the deep seas and will never resurface for decades, unless they are pulled out of the water through special operations, so once Iran SSP touches these submarines in the deep waters of the earth, no mother or son of these submariners will ever know the fate of their loved ones.
Above water, military ships will cease working and become obsolete and they will and can be caused to join their submariners in seconds, which will leave thousands and thousands of fathers without their sons and so many mothers without their daughters who are serving on these ships.
Aircraft which are airborne will drop from the skies like heavy metal cast birds on the borders of Iran or at any point of choosing on earth by the Iranian SSP program, so that they will not be able to even reach the beautiful borders of the land of peace.
This would lead to more loss of the beautiful lives of men and women of the USA and their collaborators.
Satellite communication will be brought to an absolute halt as Iran has to ensure that no nuclear warhead missiles can be controlled and targeted on Iran and hence most of the intercontinental missiles will fall on Iran’s neighboring nations or wherever these missiles are lost due to loss of satellites, and surely none will reach Iran.
US intercontinental missiles will be activated in their berth holes and how many of our cousins and brothers are to lose their lives in the land of the US by the action of the US military if the misguided action of a few goes through.
Then the question to ask is why humanity allows this triad of nations to carry out all these acts under the banner of world peace and not the real truth of its objective of tyranny.
Thus Iran does not need to start the war, but will use its wisdom to protect itself as before; the losses will be from those who are doing the instigation of war and will be in the land of the instigators of the war.

What is the solution?

The solution is simple and immediate.
We call upon the triad nations and Iranian government to meet under the banner of world peace in the immediate future, to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of young and beautiful daughters and sons of mainly US origin as they are the real slaves of the master in the war.
We have seen it happen in Iraq and Afghanistan with invasions under the same type of false accusation to loot these nations or use them to supply drugs to other nations as in the past centuries, where again the UK walked away with the loot of oil and national reserves and the US paid the price of the lives of its youth and is still paying it.
>From the Keshe Foundation we call upon the leaders of the world to open their eyes to the song of peace from us, or the beautiful White House will only be white by name as its residents will leave the fields of their matters within this structure with no sign of real material life, once Iran has to enforce world peace, without the use of war. From the Keshe Foundation we call upon the leaders of the world to open their eyes to the song of peace from us, or the beautiful White House will only be white by name as its residents will leave the fields of their matters within this structure with no sign of real material life, once Iran has to enforce world peace, without the use of war.
In the palaces of Europe the bells of justice will be rung by their people and not by its present residents as the men of truth will open the files of the real working of these houses of horror and stop the suffering of their nations as they are answerable to the nations of the world for whom they have chosen to govern and rob others under their name.
We did not set the scene, but we are the messengers of peace and we are the instigator of world peace and we have the technology to serve mankind and walk and enforce the path of peace.
My call to citizens of this planet is simple and straightforward; join us and each other to serve our human race under one banner of mankind and not nationhood.
Under one banner of peace this will carry us through as one soul and one planet and not as a divided broken army of nations.
Our decree of peace will take its course and soon there will be no more conflict as each man has the power of the king to serve and not as power of the slave.
The leaders of the world have to accept that the seat of kingship and leadership is the seat of serving one’s nation and not to be served by the nation, and this has to become the path of every being.
Then one will see that there shall be no servants by force, but men will be servants by choice and for their fellow men, and earth will be a sea of physical bodies that have nothing to do but to serve each other.
>From this point on kinship is among the souls of mankind and not through the physical body.
>From this point on we take away the physicality of the workings of man’s life as we have met all his needs through the kinship of the soul. At the level of soul there is no physicality to feed, but the essence of equality to protect and serve.
Blessed are the souls who have received the message of peace not in the physical but in the true realm of creation.
M T Keshe




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