Messages of Light 20120829 The Primordial Essence of All Things, August 16, 2012, by Elizabeth


My English friend and I often have little tete-a-tetes online, almost like a puzzle challenge for me.  He will give me an image and then I go within and pull out words to fit the image.  Last weekend, he sent me a photo of a wonderful grotto in Kent, England, known as the Shell Grotto.  From that image, I could see that the person or persons who designed the grotto were worshippers of the Divine Feminine.  How could I jump to that conclusion without knowing any more about the place, well, that’s how the right hemisphere of our brain functions.  It takes an image and brings forth a complete download, an understanding of the purpose and meaning of the design and structure.  I have had this ability to synthesize knowledge for a long time and do it without thinking with my intellect.

From the sea shells, I came up with the notion that the face it was depicting was Her face.  My friend wrote back, “Stella Maris.”  My return reply was: “Sea Star? Sea Mother.  Goddess.  Divine Feminine of the Primordial Essence, Mater.”  Mater or matter is Spirit in form.  The Divine Father sends forth his essence, Light, and the Mother brings it into form.  Of course, these principals are not in form themselves; they exist beyond form, in the Realms of Light.  The Elohim or Creator Gods are the ones who spin the essence of Mother / Father and create new beings, stars, galaxies and wonders beyond imagining.

The Goddess was worshipped from time immemorial up until fairly recently, some three hundred years ago, but almost all trace of Her presence has been systematically destroyed, removed, hidden or intentionally obscured to prevent humanity from remembering their divine roots.  However, despite the best efforts of those who have done this wrecker’s work, their plans are becoming undone by the intensifying cosmic rays now falling upon our planet.  Like strong bamboo shoots punching through concrete, the Goddess is resisting all efforts to circumvent the energies of rebirth and revelation – the Goddess returns.

The ancient Goddesses of the old world were symbols of the underlying matter that underpins and binds all life together in one Web of existence.  We are all interconnected by this electro-magnetic web that only now our most cutting-edge scientists are beginning to become of aware of, despite the knowledge having existed for unknown centuries in the teaching of mystery schools, ancient Vedic texts and the visions of Saints.  Once people in general begin to understand the truly miraculous way all life is connected, they will wonder why people have ever fought against other people, why wars have been fought, why there has been so much division and strife at the cost of bringing down whole cultures, communities and countries for the sake of power and dominance.

The essence of the Mother binds us together.  The essence is Love, the highest vibration of
Light in the Universe.  This is not love as we have been taught through our Western culture, romantic love which is little more than delusions, physical attraction and carnal lust masquerading as a foundation upon which a relationship can be built.  Is it any wonder that modern marriages so seldom succeed?  It is only when real love ignites the hearts of lovers that compassion, forgiveness, shared purpose and commitment can build a lasting marriage of two separate beings.

The essence of the Mother is also what binds families together.  In my own life, I have witnessed how my mother kept our family together, with all the sundry aunts and uncles, cousins, grandmothers and grandfathers, great aunts and second cousins, a great network of extended family.  There were family gatherings, visits and holiday parties together, summer picnics, camping and fishing outings, and dinner parties.  There were special visits with family visiting from overseas and with relatives living in other states.  Since my mother’s last illness and her ability to socialize coming to an abrupt end, our family has broken up and scattered to the winds, each of us going our own way.  It was as if my mother was the magnet and the rest of us iron filings.  Without her love and attention, the whole family fell apart.  Of course, the signs of decay were there much sooner, but my mother’s illness and passing was the final death knell of our family togetherness.  It was her spirit and will that kept us together; without her the will no longer existed and we have all gone our separate ways.

So it has been for the world these past centuries as the Western world, dominated at first by the British Empire and now the American Empire.  Mankind has been subtly and not so subtly encouraged to be divided.  The three primary religions with the Semitic tradition at their roots, have encouraged the denigration of women, the destruction of so-called pagan societies and cultures, the enslavement of common people through the manipulation of money, materialism, power and dominance, the disempowerment of men and women by corporate structures and illegal laws and power structures, the selling of atmosphere of fear through the relentless onslaught of a purchased and highly controlled mass media structure.  All of things have been developed to keep people divided and in fear, so they could be controlled, their unstable emotional states used as food by negative astral beings who are the real controllers behind the scenes of the One World Government scenario.  All these plans and manipulations are the pathetic attempts of unlighted beings attempting to control the powers of the Universe and to maintain power over the human race.  It is to no avail; their plans are going awry and they, the elite, know it.

Moving through the forces of nature, through climatic changes and extremes, through earthquake and volcanic eruption, through the disintegration of elitist controlled structures, banks, media companies, large corporations, political parties, Western medicine and pharmaceutical companies, education structures and churches… all of these structures of control are undergoing or will soon be undergoing profound change and / or complete destruction.  Our world is in the process of being recreated as the balance of Mother / Father is brought back into alignment.  Our world of fear, war and hatred will become, is becoming a place for the gathering of the tribes of man, as we graduate from our rough teenage years and emerge as adults who are willing to work together as a Family to rebuild and heal the world.  Then we will be ready to emerge from our earth-centric shell and join with our galactic brothers and sisters, ready to launch ourselves back to the Stars from whence our ancestors first came so long ago.

Our present and outgoing controllers have forgotten that cycles rule the Universe.  Our earth is now completing a Great Year, a 100,000 year long period of time in which the planet as a whole was plunged into darkness by a variety of reasons.  For this time, all humanity has been undergoing soul lessons, some difficult, some enlightening, all profound, for the sake of gathering experience.  Those experiences and the wisdom garnered will be used in the future to assist other planets and societies in the midst of a planetary cycle of change and transformation.

The postscripts, secrets and messages of our ancestors, written upon stone, built into structures such as the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, found in obscure and rare books, in ancient texts and chants, in paintings and poetry of visionaries, have all served to activate our collective memory of the Mother and how the cycles flow between light and darkness, ebb and flow of tides, the rise and fall of nations, families and individuals.  All emerges into the light of day, lives its life and dies, only to emerge in another form for all is energy, all is light bound together by love.

With the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria, the seeds of those high civilizations were scattered far and wide in the numerous colonies started by spiritually aware souls left before the final days and collapse of the great islands and land masses.  North, east, west and south, these emigrants traveled and established new holdings, sometimes within and alongside indigenous populations, eventually marrying into the local groups. 

My English friend only hints at the importance of the ancient British Isles, which were connected at one time to the European continent prior to the last ice age.  He hints of a great civilization there with places of high learning and a sea-faring commerce far older than the 5,000 years or so that scholars typically give for our western civilization.  Copper and tin mining has been done since time immemorial in the British lands.  Traces of large ancient seaports have been discovered, although attributed to the so-called Roman period.  The truth of the Eire, Alba and Albion will out one of these days and then we will see our history turned topsy-turvy as most of which we take for granted is a flimsy and even clumsy fabric of lies.

So much is still to be revealed, but before all that can happen the false structures of our old world need to come down, to disintegrate and disappear.  All the pollution, lies, control factors are being dissolved before our very eyes, at least for those who have woken up to some degree.  For those people who have not smelled the coffee, daily life seems just as depressing as usual.  However, wonders upon wonders are being accomplished just below the surface, on the etheric and astral planes, as our world is being brought into a new light-filled epoch.

Yes, the Goddess is re-emerging and with Her Presence comes the return of all things magical, including creatures long deemed as existing solely in fairy tales and mythology.  The elementals and devas are humming with activity; they never left the realm of the Goddess, but remained just out of sight from those who would destroy all beauty and light on this planet out of sheer spite.

I will say this – I am no scholar, but I have lived life times as a druid, a shaman and healer in communities close to the Earth.  I feel the joy of the Earth reawakening within me, as a new sense of connection with all life, a feeling of strength and being centered, and feeling the movement of energies flowing through my body that cannot be explained by science.  My body is changing; I am becoming more aware of my connection to Spirit, to the higher worlds and grounded at the same time.  Now is the time to celebrate that connection that grows with every passing day as the entire planet undergoes transformation into a living Fifth Dimensional planet once more, carrying her life burden along with her, that which is ready to ascend. 

Rejoice, dear ones, and reach into that sacred space within your heart and connect to the heart beat of Mother Earth, a physical reflection of our connection with the Divine Mother, lit by the Light of the Divine Father.  We are One.  We are creator gods.  We are the Elohim.  We are part of the holographic creation of this Universe.  Let us create our New World together, as a place of beauty, joy, harmony, abundance and health for all.



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