Contacting Beings of Light 20120827 A new Rubik’s Cube type of puzzle at Hackpen Hill on August 26, 2012: what is the crop artist trying to tell us?


Images Simon Brown Copyright 2012

The new crop picture at Hackpen Hill shows a puzzle called “V Cube 6”, which is a latter-day successor to Rubik’s Cube (see V-Cube_6  or What is the crop artist trying to tell us?  

We cannot physically manipulate the “V Cube 6” shown in crops, as we would for a normal cube, to solve any kind of “puzzle”. Yet the crop artist has clearly presented us with a puzzle of some kind: 

Twenty of the 36 squares within each side of that 6 x 6 x 6 cube have been decorated with “square root of two” triangles. If we multiply 20 by the square root of two (or 1.414), we get 28.28, which could be a length of time in days: 

The Mayan calendar includes 20 days per month, as a possible clue to the deeper nature of this puzzle. Thus its likely unit of time seems to be days, rather than weeks, months or years.  

Each of those three “6 x 6 sides” as drawn in crops has a different visual perspective. Yet each can be “translated and rotated” on top of one another in the mind’s eye, to yield identical two-dimensional shapes. This further suggests that the mathematics of each side should be considered separately from that of any other side. In other words, its primary mathematical unit of time should be based on “20 decorated squares” (one side only), rather than 40 or 60 decorated squares (two or three sides added together).  

In terms of calendar time, the new crop picture would have appeared close to midnight on August 25, 2012 in a field at Hackpen Hill in southern England. If we count forward by 28 days, we reach the autumn equinox of September 22, 2012 close to midnight:

Two previous crop pictures at Devil’s Den on August 12, or Wappenbury on August 15, showed images which suggested a date ofSeptember 22 on the autumn equinox. One showed “steps from a Mayan pyramid”, while the other showed symbols from a “Mayan lunar calendar”. A crop picture at Longwood Road on August 5 showed “seven triangles of shadow and light”, as will be seen at the Pyramid of Kukulcan in Chichen Itza, on September 22 in the late afternoon. 

Since Mexico is six hours in time behind England, the date and time deduced from that new “crop puzzle” at Hackpen Hill would fit into the established hypothesis quite nicely. September 22 at midnight in England will equal September 22 during late afternoon at Chichen Itza, when a metaphorical “Feathered Serpent” will descend from sky to earth (see or 

This 6 x 6 x 6 “cube puzzle” could code for longer periods of time as well: for example 6 x 20 = 120 days until December 23, 2012 (end of the Mayan Long Count calendar), or 6 x 36 = 216 days until March 29, 2013 (just after a superior conjunction of Venus with our Sun). Still its primary coding seems to be for 20 x 1.414 = 28 days, until an autumn equinox on September 22, 2012.  

A previous crop picture at Oxleaze Copse on August 23, 2012, showed a 6 x 6 “grid” of flattened circles, almost identical to each 6 x 6 “side” of the new crop picture at Hackpen Hill. Both pictures may have been drawn by the same artist. 

Bert Janssen notes that a thin line outside of the main “cube” literally “squares the circle” in a geometrical sense (see diagrams). This observation seems consistent with the unknown crop artist being a great geometer and mathematician.  

Supposing that the crop artist wished to say “28 days”, using some kind of “cube puzzle”, he would have had a choice of 3 x 3 x 3, 4 x 4 x 4, 5 x 5 x 5 or 6 x 6 x 6 cubes. Each of those cubes shows 9, 16, 25 or 36 squares on any side. Each of those sides shows an outer border of 8, 12, 16 or 20 squares respectively. When multiplied by the square root of two, each of those outer borders would yield 11.3, 17.0, 22.6 or 28.3 days respectively. Thus his only plausible choice for a time period of “28 days” (between midnight on August 25 and September 22) would be the 6 x 6 x 6 cube as shown.   

Ground photographs of this crop picture by Paul Jacobs or others (see groundshots or fieldreports) show a complex lay, in which “curved” seed heads from nearby standing wheat seem to have been “straightened” in most of the fallen wheat. This is the classic sign of a paranormal crop picture. Simple flattening with rope and boards can only leave the fallen wheat “curved” (see Appendix 4 of/time2012a or ). 

Appendix 1. Same architectural geometry at the Pyramid of Kukulcan as was drawn in crops

All four stairways at the Pyramid of Kukulcan slope upward by 45o (see That is the same geometry as was drawn in crops at Hackpen Hill, for all of its 3 x 2 x 20 “square root of two” triangles. The total number of 45o-45o-90otriangles drawn in crops equals 120. That is the number of days from August 25 when the crop picture appeared, to December 23 when the Mayan Long Count calendar ends   

The field orientation of Hackpen Hill resembles that of the Pyramid of Kulkucan, as approximately 17o east of north. Yet it is hard to say whether this might be significant, because the crop picture has trigonal or almost hexagonal symmetry.  

This crop picture seems to code for two different lengths of time in overlapping ways, First it codes for “28 days” until September 22, using 20 squares from any side, multiplied by the square root of two. Next it codes for “120 days” until December 23, using 6 x 20 decorated squares from all six sides (three of which were not shown). Finally it codes again for “120 days” until December 23, using 3 x 2 x 20 pyramid-like triangles from three sides (which were shown). 

Further details of its complex ground lay and straightened seed heads may be seen in a video made by Gary King for Tercer Milenio in Mexico (see!).

Red Collie (Dr. Horace R. Drew)


This morning I woke up with a voice saying: “26”. Intuitively I knew this was related to the date of this years Grand Final. As I was working on a chapter about separate sections in crop circles yesterday, I could not resist counting the sections of the outer ring… It had 2 times 13 makes 26 segments. But it all got even more mind-exploding when I noticed 13 reversed cubes in the central depiction!  







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