Alpha Spaceship 20120822 Andrianna Of The Pleiades. A Short Message Of Hope. By, Bella Capozzi (AuroRa Le). August 22, 2012.


Knowing that you are living in the final days of duality should bring you great amounts of peace and tranquility.  There is such comfort to be found by keeping this simple fact in mind.  Be not deceived by what might appear to you as a veneer of sameness, or a lack of productivity on our part.  I promise you, this is not the way it is at all.  Have faith that everything is as it should be.  Events are transpiring at the pace they ought to, in order to insure the highest possible level of success;  and also offering the least amount of trauma to those who still maintain an air of denial.

Your world cannot go on in the manner that it has and still survive to see the implementation of the Divine Plan.  It has to change, it must.  And it is changing, so be of a sound enough mind to see the light beneath the cloudy surface of duality.   Hear the truth ring out above the monstrous cacophony of lies.  Your new life is being gently  birthed, and for awhile-as with any birth-things tend to get somewhat chaotic and messy.  Yet know that this it shall only be that way for a short time, and in living from the heart you shall get through it smoothly.

Feel the comfort of being one who is in-the-know.  Because you are awake and aware, the fear and uncertainty shall not touch you.  Instead it shall elate you.  This is what you have have dreamed of for so long;  to see the darkness brought finally to it’s knees, and to watch their towers topple and their walls of deceit come crashing to the ground.  We shall see to it that it’s a controlled chaos, and we are here to help you to  clear the way for the construction of something entirely new.  Together we must take it down and set a fresh foundation, as you cannot build your new home upon a pile of rubble.

Be of a generous heart, and give of your bounty to those who shall be in need of friendship, sustenance and a kind word.  There shall be many.  Be generous with your truth, your wisdom, as these ones shall have no idea of what is going on around them.  But you will.  You will know that not only all is well, but it is better than it has been for an interminably long time.  From your deepest knowing, pour forth words of solace, hope and joy-and hence, they shall eventually remember too.  These are such glorious times which are coming!  Did you know, you have but barely scratched the surface of what is and what is yet to be?

Be at peace, always, and through trust you shall keep warm and safe.  I come to tell you we are plentiful in your skies, so subtly veiled, as are our voices in your ear and our likenesses flashing quick before your eyes.  We are your friends and your families, and we love you unconditionally.  Well beyond anything you can possibly imagine.  Have faith in all your heart tells you is so.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. 





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