Messages of Light 20120723 Angela Peregoff: Awakening The Internal You


Posted by Vina

Know where you are going and what you are doing this week as the cosmos becomes agent-provocateur. Magnetic shifts are still stirring the “global heart” to change, not to mention our own personal experience of our own identity.

We have been undergoing another level of being pulled inward – toward exploring personal truths and soul-wisdom. The vibration has brought more spiritual awakening through revelations of new plans, purposes and ambitions. You will be required – or have already had to make to make decisions that bring adaptation and renewal, both of which create an awakened spiritual awareness and illumination.

I have been witness and healer to uncertainty, surprises and upheavals in the lives of those close to me and those I work with. If you have been kicked around by universal forces and are feeling a bit discombobulated, rest assured it indicates that you are walking the latest rite-of-passage and agreeing to integrate the necessary internal rearrangements. During this time, it’s key that everything happen in an order that is conscious of both timing and details, so gather the facts, look at the larger picture and see the alternatives, then make your decisions and act decisively. 

For the conscious and aware, there is an installation operation edging through your energetic fields that is synthesizing your heart and physical-elemental body to a new rhythm of wisdom and compassion. Therefore your soul is running its clean-up campaigns, weeding out what is no longer a match for who you are. Those relationships that aren’t a good fit? Dissolved. Beliefs that fertilize the ego and 3D. Adios. Remember your fascination for dramatic, pointless discussions? Boring! Just can’t do them any longer. The old paradigm is now too painful and you are simply pulling away. None of it fits for the now you.

What used to be known as your personal goals, plans, strategies and future visions by-en-large have fallen by the wayside. Ideas of who you may think/thought you are/were, and where you are/were going are changing quickly. You may even wonder if you truly have any voting rights for creating your reality and if perhaps all of this metaphysical stuff is some hooey that sounds good but doesn’t really work. The bottom line is that because of what Gaia is embodying you are being offered opportunities to accelerate your consciousness. That path currently creates mental sparks and shock waves in the process. While tensions may be palpable, don’t become your own worst enemy by defeating your higher purpose.

It’s time to pay full hyper-awareness in the current cycle while using “non-attached receptivity” to all that appears in your path. This is a huge process; so please do not resist it or think something is wrong with you. Accept and accept some more. Your core identity, everything that you were, is being reconfigured and realigned to support your Eternal Essence (true self) compassionately and selfishly. You will not be able to get the new things integrated until the old useless methods and conditions fall away. Come from the heart as you walk the path of personal truth that is in front of you – that is all that is required now.

Should a challenge greet you, center your being in your core. Assess what is required and conjure courses of action you might be able to engage in, with the interest of producing a favorable outcome. As much as the patterns out there are anxiety producing and can be event creating, so are they rich in yet undiscovered possibilities, especially when approached from a spiritualized mindset. Such strategic planning shall reward those thinking deeper, looking farther and reacting from a solid center with creative solutions and unlimited inspiration. Pay attention to your dreams and intuitions this week because they will give you direction and guidance when necessary.

Be prepared to take responsibility for bringing things into harmony; this will bring peace and balance. If the elemental energies of diving deeper into your essence are overwhelming you a bit use the essences of Red Clover or Red Penstemon to restore equilibrium. Red clover assists when you are dealing with “herd” mentality. It diffuses the effect when one gets upset, sending another and another into unrest or hysteria and the next thing you know, you have the entire herd stampeding. Red clover helps you to maintain your inner center and your composure. This essence helps us individuate and release the psychic ties to the herd. This is a great emergency formula when you have to deal with out-of-control people or family members.

Red Penstemon restores your sense of adventure as a Soul here. This remedy is the essence for challenges and challenging ourselves. It frees you of your personal limitations by helping you to get your old self out of the way. You know that self with all the bumps and bruises and big attitudes of “no can do!” This is a great remedy for courage. It will support you to transform those attitudes of “I can’t,” into “why can’t I?”

As mentioned in last week’s read, there could be issues surfacing in our nervous systems and immune systems, heart and lung challenges and the need for more hydration. Think about positive ways to improve your diet and add nutritional benefits when your body begins sending the flashing red lights that warn its distress. Calcium and Magnesium are a wonderful supplement now as they send a renewed emphasis to the nervous system. Increase your intake of water, preferably with a PH of 5+, to assist the energies in moving through the body. Remember that we are composed mostly of water. Water is conductive. It also evaporates, especially when it is carrying energy. It wouldn’t hurt either to learn more about medicinal herbs that can help strengthen your immune system. If stress and strain have been building up, find a temporary release through exercise routines, working out at the gym or while engaged in competitive sports.

In these end times, separating us from the shift of consciousness to occur by the end of this year survival and happiness depend on our abilities to reach enlightenment. July has within in it, the simplicity and power of more of our Divinity and you are being exposed to all the resources necessary to attract a renewed state of illumination and Soul presence.

Remember, that change can involve as little as a five-degree shift in perspective. Pay attention to how the universe is orchestrating events and situations to get you to your next rightful place of ascended consciousness.

Sending you galactic portions of love and pleasure during these transforming times,

©2003 – 2012 Angela Peregoff

By Angela Peregoff





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