Ascended Masters 20120707 ~ Shifting Realities, Part I – Golden Age Messages from the Masters through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School


Golden Age Messages from the Masters through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School 

Shifting Realities     

Part I  

Most of you have been walking between the limited 3rd and 4th dimensions, yet you are now in a cycle that is accelerating your awakening to such an extent that many of you are shifting more of your consciousness into alignment with the unlimited domains of your God Presence. This then shifts all of the energy that your mind has been using to support you living in limitation and separation to now support you creating a stronger foundation in Unity or Christ Consciousness on the 5th dimension. This expansion of your focus will allow you to remain attuned to your life on Earth without being empathetically bound into the pain and confusion that is still playing itself out on the 3rd dimension. You are divinely designed to be omnipresent and to live within a unified field of consciousness where there is no need to be anywhere other than where you are. This is what will make your ascension into the unlimited 5th dimension possible in this lifetime.    

~ Ascended Masters Jeshua and Mary Magdalene  

To sustain the 5th dimensional ascension frequencies that are waiting to unfold within your heart, mind and body, be willing to live each moment as though it has never happened before, for indeed that is the truth. Today is never yesterday and tomorrow never happens, so each moment is golden and it will never take place again. When you live in this kind of awareness and gratitude for each precious moment, life will take on new meaning and you will be able to stay connected with your Presence much more easily. In fact, it is only in being present that you are truly in oneness with your Presence!

As you continue to shift your attention into the mind and heart of your Presence, you may find yourself seeing and feeling everything within and around you with a renewed sense of joy in just being alive during these magnificent times. The air may feel as though it is lovingly caressing your body, the ground may feel more precious to your feet, and the exchanges you have with others, even strangers, may feel more loving and supportive.

Any dramas that are still being acted out in the world based on the illusionary fears of the ego will continue to wind down until they are no more. It is now vital to keep your attention on living as your Presence so its consciousness may unite with every cell and atom of your being. Your Presence is seeking to be fully embodied so you can ascend into the freedom of a new Golden Age. 

Your Presence uses the etheric substances within your body to connect its consciousness with your mind, your heart and even into the most miniscule parts of your body.  As this relationship becomes a more conscious part of your reality, you will be creating a much greater access to your creative potential to assist humanity in moving into a new Golden Age and you will be helping the Earth to move deeper into her paradise vibration. 

We would suggest that you take some time in your meditations to align with your etheric energy body of light that is always around you. This is your bridge into the multidimensional consciousness of your Presence. Your etheric body is presently in the process of magnetizing and accumulating more light, mostly from the solar and photon energy that is now being released to assist you in moving into a greater alignment with the expanded energy field of your Omnipresent Self. 

This increase in Light is also helping to shift the majority of humanity’s consciousness out of the 3rd and even out of the 4th dimensions which have been holding your Earth within the veils of illusion. Your 3rd dimension will soon exist solely within the paradise vibration that is still sustaining the natural world all around you. As your ascension progresses, your ego will no longer have control over your mind, your feeling nature, or your body.  Ascending beyond the fear/duality matrix of consciousness ~ this shift in realities ~ is what the Great Shift of the Ages is really all about.

You are truly living in not only the opportunity of a lifetime, yet rather the opportunity of many lifetimes! As the memories held within the cells of your physical and etheric bodies move into greater harmonic resonance with your Presence, you will be given access to your higher dimensional capacities to create a next Golden Age.

This pivotal year of 2012 will continue to offer you opportunities that support your personal and planetary ascension. The internal confusion that has come from living in duality consciousness will be replaced with the clarity and joy of living in Unity Consciousness. Now is the time to step fully into your true unlimited Self, the Presence of the Divine that you truly are.

To assist you in realizing your ascension, we of the Ascended Realms have created the Conscious Ascension Course: Living As The Presence, Bringing Heaven to Earth. We invite you to join us for four days in Retreat for our next training, Conscious Ascension into the Golden Age Teachers Certification Training so that you may be the wayshowers for others at this important time.

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