Ascended Masters 20120703 ~ Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ June 29-July 03 2012


From the Inside-Out – YOU Are Amazing

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message  

June 29 – July 03, 2012

Channeled by: Julie Miller
June 29, 2012
Shedding the old ways as a snake sheds its own skin for new is the way you progress along your path dear ones. Your perceptions and beliefs very likely will change, you might adopt new beliefs and concepts to be merged with what already holds true in your heart. Nothing stays the same. No matter how much you try to delay progress of yourself and the world around you, progress still occurs. Your own progression can be slowed to a snail’s pace but it cannot ever be stopped. Even the most inactive soul makes choices and through those choices are opportunities for change. The thing dear ones, is that the more you pull away from the call to your awakening the more upsetting and confusing your experience will be. Accept the Light and Love from God that is calling you and your soul into action. There is nothing to fear. By working through your heart, discovering your own pure light – all fear will be displaced and what remains is explicit joy and overwhelming compassion for yourself and for ALL of mankind.
Yes there will be a spiritual rebirth across the globe as many dear souls such as yourself recognize the universal indication of the expressive occurrences originating from spiritual visitors like myself. You will be greeted with warmth, love and compassion. You know by now the beings of the angelic and divine realm come to guide and offer support to you for the journey that you are presently meandering through and with gentle persuasion from our love to you, you will find yourself looking at new challenges, taking on new teachings and understanding new concepts that resonate true to your heart. Knowing you are growing, the content you are learning today will not change tomorrow but how you feel towards it could as you continue to grow and change. As I have said before and many masters before me; change is inevitable. Through your choices, you direct your course. 
There are many beautiful souls that have been already working ahead by taking their place by anchoring the Earth, maintaining the grids which many of you travel astrally through and so on, and after each soul awakens they also will take their place, aiding and healing those that are new, offering comfort through gentle love and kindness. There always will be someone new to guide and each of you understands what it is like to be there. You have woken at different intervals just for this purpose, to offer guidance through experience to those who are waking and possibly a little confused. It can be overwhelming at first. Many newly awakened souls are overwhelmed; they seek guidance, understanding and acceptance. Mocking and ridiculing them for their lack of knowing will not inspire growth dear ones. Take your time and keep your patience in check. Remember you also started somewhere and at one point you also needed guidance.
It does not matter if you are newly awakened or seasoned, it is essential to find balance with the information you are coming into. It is important to fully understand all that is presented to you as clear as crystal. If you are still unclear or require clarification put the question out to the universe, search on your own being specific with what you are looking for. Your answers will always come to you and quite likely from the least likely of sources.
Preparing from inside for the new changes that are coming does become easier dear ones. Every situation that comes your way I suggest to you to embrace it as an opportunity to learn and grow – the lessons that each interaction holds are as endless as my appreciation for you and your efforts to continue working at being the best you can be. The challenges will never stop coming. You have already discovered some are easier than others and this is part of your growth, to remember how you persevered from previous challenges and utilizing that knowledge for the current one. Yes, you will need to adapt your wise solutions to fit each instance as each one is unique, and you have the creative mentality to do this – you are amazing from the inside out. 
Each of you has a divine purpose to fulfill. Many wish to know all the details all once. Your mission unravels as you go. Sometimes dear ones you will see glimpses of where you are heading, or you will get a sudden thought provided by your guides and by one of the most loving of all beings – from God. It is true, God does answer you dear ones, just as I do and other spiritual beings. We come to you when you ask; we are cheering you to continue working diligently towards your goals that you have set for yourself. We know already you will succeed, and all successes come in time. I would like to remind you, it is up to you on how quickly you move forward or if you stay where you are – you are the Master of your domain. 
I encourage each of you to learn to identify the interferences of anyone you consider an antagonist. Understand every person has a role. There will be people who will frustrate and challenge you. When faced with such people do not limit yourself to the feeling of being trapped or picked on – you are being challenged for a reason. Both of you are learning as you exchange words and even when you don’t there are lessons learned for both of you. Rejoice in the knowing that you are valuable and you are not alone. There are many loving souls here reaching to comfort, guide and love you. Just when you feel the world is against you, feel in your heart God is there with you and each experience you manoeuvre through is offering you to reach new depths of understanding for the many answers you have been seeking. I ask you dear ones to always seek your answers with God and the Universe. The Light and Love from God will never fail you. When you go within yourself and within the protection of God and the love that is pure and uplifting with its unending light you will indeed understand how fast you can grow and learn. 
There is never an end to your learning. I urge you to follow your heart dear ones. Stay true to yourself no matter the adversary or challenge. Take the time to be courteous and compassionate to all, there is never any good reason to be opposite – demonstrate love in all you do.
I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller



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