Conversations With SaLuSa 20120619 My TAUK sessions: Saint Germain: The Truth is very dear to me



 Saint Germain 

Prepare for major shifts that will occur in the near future. 

You feel that there is not much happening, somethings are indeed happening but it is too slow to your liking. What you do see is not unfolding as you hoped, but take it from me that everything is in good order.

Information is still widely denied to the masses, facts are twisted, thus stagnating your flow. The flow of the river however, stronger and more powerful is unstoppable. Where we see opportunities for implementing change in a milder way, we seize that opportunity. We ask you to stay focused on the broad stream of this river, see the whole picture and don’t get stuck on details.

The Truth is very dear to me. Do not be discouraged by news that you hear, even the truth is still surrounded by plenty of lies, awakening for many is a difficult process. Stay close to your heart and let it guide you, do what your heart tells you and know that this is always the right way for you. Guard against imposing your way upon others, this is not of Love.

Take care of yourselves now first, take enough rest, drink lots of water, you know this kind of advice. The calm that you manage to keep during periods of major shifts, is the solid ground that many people will come looking for.

We are with you

My TAUK sessions: Saint Germain: The Truth is very dear to me.

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