Messages of Light 20120626 ~ Welcome to Brenda’s Blog – Use Your New JOY Power Pack


Use Your New JOY Power Pack

Channeler: Brenda Hoffman

Summary of Brenda’s June 24, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You are unique. Do not let other Lightworkers or beings dictate who you should be or what you should create. Manifest what is in your heart – a cardboard house or a mansion – and it will be right for you and the Universes.

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”Burst into Bloom With This Solstice”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about the same topic.

Dear Ones,

This is an unusual week. Not for the energy bursts you now expect, but for the flashes of insight that are the culmination of those energy bursts.

Perhaps you are feeling out of balance. Perhaps not. It does not matter. Think of the energy bursts as computer downloads.

In past years, you have had other downloads. Those computer software programs prepared you for your last few downloads. Which is little different from taking high school prerequisite courses. You did not jump from learning your ABC’s to reading Shakespeare. The same is true for your Universal downloads.

You have completed your 2012 pre-requisites. You are now reviewing and applying your new skills. But you will not apply all the software/New Age programs you have available. Which is little different than not applying all the capabilities of new computer software.

We are merely pointing out that you will feel the need to act a bit differently than has been true in the past and most certainly during the recent eclipse/solstice cycle.  Many of you felt emotionally raw or confused the past few weeks. Not unlike what you often feel when you download new software. Frustrated, angry, crying to whomever will listen that purchasing the new software was the greatest mistake you ever made – that is, until you become familiar with its capabilities and begin to marvel at your wisdom in downloading the new software.

You have downloaded your 2012 software. Now you are beginning to test your capabilities.

Many of you wonder what your new capabilities entail. Can you slip through the veils? Can you communicate with beings in other dimensions? Are your perceptions shifting? Are you feeling more empathy and less sympathy? Are you finding the need to connect more with some and less with others? Do you feel more powerful? Are you less willing to do what others tell you – that is, unless it feels right for you to do so? Are the colors you view more beautiful? Do you find that you manifest more rapidly? Do you feel that what was once very important now may seem a bit silly? Are you feeling less need to connect spiritually, yet feeling more spiritual? Are you creating more balance in your life?

Your new software has those capabilities and more. But you will only explore those areas required for your role.

Let us explain. You most certainly could use all your new skills if you wished. But you will emphasize those areas you discover when you follow your heart, your joy. Maybe you are not interested in moving through the dimensions, but are extremely concerned about how best to practice empathy instead of  sympathy. It does not matter – as is true for the computer  software components you use once you download the basic program.

There will be some Lightworkers who maintain characteristics of the Old Age for a bit of time. These Lightworkers have an agenda correct for them, but not necessarily for you. We are not trying to frighten you – merely to confirm the suspicions some of you have that you are trading one set of Old Age “shoulds” for another.

Lightworkers are unique – as is true for every entity. Therefore, all are moving at a different pace and on a different path than you. The destination for all, including you, is love and uniting as one. But getting there is a unique journey. So some Lightworkers will tarry a bit longer in Old Age shoulds than others. That is neither right nor wrong – merely what feels right to them.

You are not those Lightworkers. So if it feels joyful to follow their guidance, please do so for it is right for you. But if it feels heavy and somehow not quite right even though loved ones are proclaiming the rightness of a Lightworker’s actions, move on. The Old Age chains that used to bind you to your society have been removed. You are no longer “should” based.

Explore those pieces of joy that you wish to explore. If that means meandering in the desert without connection to humanity, do so. If that means becoming a politician or corporate executive, do so. If that means becoming an emotional, physical or spiritual healer in whatever format do so. No one has to follow you for you to be correct. Nor do you need to follow anyone unless it feels right to do so. Enmesh yourself in the spiritual realms. Ignore the spiritual realms. Enmesh yourself in history. Ignore history. All are correct paths to your destination of love.

The only paths that will delay your progress is to deny your joy by only meeting the needs of others or to punish yourself for something you believe you did wrong in this life or any other manifestation of your being in the Universes.

You have been born anew in this New Age. You are as innocent as you consider a newborn baby on earth. Allow yourself to act accordingly. Perhaps you wish to explore flowers today and move through dimensional veils tomorrow. You have the skills to do so. More importantly, you have a new empty book to fill with your adventures and joy.

Why waste time and space mourning what should have/could have been in other existences or following someone or something that does not give you joy?

Of course, you are thinking that you must pay bills and care for others. Perhaps that is part of your path. But move on that path in pain? You are no longer limited in your actions by societal rules and policies.

Perhaps changing your perception of your employer will be the difference between joy and pain. Or finding another employer. Or returning to school to obtain a promotion within your company. Or manifesting income in another way. Or……..

You have a wide open road filled with joy. Close off those roads, paths and avenues that are painful. You will know which ones we are speaking of when you ask yourself if you need to leave or change the dynamics of a situation. You have the answers – we do not. It is your road. We are only here to point out the possibilities. What you do with that information is entirely up to you. JOY is the only word we offer as a signpost.

You are a newborn with exciting skills – designed to create the new joyful you. Why deny that joy? Doing so is little different than placing a newborn in a box and only addressing that newborn’s physical needs.

Allow yourself to be a newborn with full spiritual, emotional and physical joy. Such a life is meant for you. So be it. Amen.




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