Greetings from Herak/Sirius 20121101 The Day After – 30 October 2012, by Elizabeth


Last night at about 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, the huge tropical storm called Sandy came ashore in New Jersey, pushing its waters and sand into coastal towns, downing power lines and trees and creating havoc with the infrastructure. Life went into survival mode for many millions. There was loss of life, business was interrupted and lives disrupted. For some life will never be the same. And it could have been worse, much worse. Despite the media hype, there wasn’t a 30-foot tidal surge into New York City; it was only nine feet deep, enough to flood low-lying streets, businesses and to halt Wall Street’s operations for at least a day. Life will go on. People will recover from the disruption, but things will never be the same.

The planet is undergoing a great cleansing. Of this much, we can be certain. And we, as surface dwellers, will just have to be adaptable as the changes caused by the cleansing occur. We really have little choice in the matter. Nature, despite all of man’s efforts to control her forces, is still bigger than any of us. I’m not sure that I believe the alternative news’ hype, either, about the engineering done to the storm. It was a storm, a tropical hurricane. They go off predicted paths all the time. This one did. Computer models are only as good as the programmers and nature can be unpredictable at best. Why do we expect to anticipate everything that happens in life? Where is the sense of adventure in knowing all? That kind of attitude seems rather dull to me. So, there is a great need for humans to learn to be adaptive, to release their fears and expectations and to let nature be… natural.

For many millennia, but mostly in the last two hundred years, human kind has lost touch with nature. Due to wars, clearings, ethnic cleansings and various man-made disruptions, those people close to the earth have been torn from it. Their cultures, beliefs and ways of lives have been the subject of racial hatred, discrimination and outrages. Just sit down and watch a movie about the clearings in the Scottish Highlands. The “story” of the conquering of the West in America is an embarrassment to those who are sensitive to the worth of the indigenous peoples who were uprooted and moved to “reservations” there to be subjected to governmental arrogance and outright prejudice, starvation and neglect. The stories of much of the indigenous populations of Central and South America follows much the same tune; European powers coming in, slaughtering an entire culture, seizing the riches of the land and setting up little dictatorships. Africa has also seen its ancient cultures destroyed and diminished in the eyes of the world as that great continent was carved up by various European nations as colonies. India was subjected to rule by Great Britain for a couple of centuries. Prejudice and racial profiling of the native peoples was rampant, yet the British felt it was their God-given right to be there, “civilizing” a nation that was in existence when there was no Great Britain. And now, America, the great center of democracy, has taken on the mantle of conqueror in the name of bringing democracy to the Middle East. It was and is a blatant cover for a long-term strategy to isolate Russia from the rest of the world and to seize and control the Middle-Eastern oil fields and opium poppy fields. So, what is really behind all of this wanton destruction and hatred?

The forces behind these movements to divide and conquer the peoples of this planet, from her (the planet) and from each other had originated in a relatively small group of invaders who dropped into our solar system and decided to stay for a while. They had succeeded in destroying many of their former worlds and now wanted ours, especially because of the valuable natural resources, water and gold. Call them what you want, illuminati, Annunaki or whatever; they were intruders and disrupted the plans of our spiritual hierarchy, the Great White Brotherhood, who intended to raise the vibratory levels of this planet back to the fifth dimension. As it has happened, the surface illuminati were eventually deserted by their erstwhile 4th dimensional bosses from the Anchara Alliance in the early 1990’s; now all the long-term plans of the remaining leaders of the royal illuminati bloodlines and their minions are falling apart. Their goal of world domination is not going to succeed and what’s more, they are now beginning to realize it.

What does a sane lightworker do during times like this? Find a quiet place to explore their inner world, as the outside one is full of distractions and drama. I know that I have left off doing much socializing. While I work outside the home, I usually try to get my chores done (shopping and the like) done in small increments and then retreat to the relative peace of my house. I have also chosen to live in a smaller town; I used to live in a large city. I disliked the noise and traffic, the congestion and the blatant materialism. I feel much better in a place that is closer to earth; while still living in a town, I have a place to grow vegetables and have flowers and herbs, as well.

I have also discovered a great love of writing and to my surprise, an audience who enjoys reading my work. I attempted writing as a young girl, sitting on the floor in my bedroom trying to write an adventure novel. It didn’t work and I left the writing behind. However, I was brought up by a mother who believed in the virtue of writing letters. I wrote long letters to my older sister who lived far away and to other relatives. And I read books, tons of books. The library was my haven. In reading, I could visit other lands, peoples and places that I could only imagine for I was not fated to travel much as an adult.

So now, as a much older and perhaps wiser adult, I have turned back to writing and have found a well of inspiration in the affairs of our world, my own story and the various messages of beings who visit with me from time to time. I started to “channel” messages earlier this year. It was not the first time that I had done channeling. I started receiving messages nearly ten years ago, but stopped it then. It was too soon after having a traumatic experience with “voices” and so I was not comfortable with the process. Now, things have changed in my life. I’m not seeking fame and fortune from the giving of these messages; only seeking to clarify what I see going on in the world in terms of the ascension process which the lightworkers are currently undergoing.

Another reason that I have chosen to open up to the world and to those people who read these words, is the fact that I needed to move through my fear of being recognized. Sounds odd, doesn’t it? Being recognized as what or whom? Well, that’s my dilemma. You see, I started getting stories and visions a couple of years ago. First came a series of “past lives”, both interesting and difficult ones set in the British Isles, although long ago. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t verify if the events of these lives were true or not; the energy that was moving through me as a consequence of re-experiencing these lives was what was important. I started to realize that I was undergoing a process of releasing old traumas. I needed to learn to release the emotions – and these were intense – that were coming up, to review the scenes that I was reliving, either for myself or others and then to release the energies into the Void.

Take that scenario and personal experience and now multiply it by seven billion people. And on an even larger scale, just imagine an entire planet lovingly taking the negative energies of millions and billions of people into her physical body day after day, year after year, without having any option of releasing said energy… Well, you might begin to understand why the planet is in dire need of cleansing herself right now. And why, we as her inhabitants need to get out of the way, be adaptive to whatever comes up in our own life as a result and go with the flow, as it were. The planet needs to let go of her old stories, our old stories – our misqualified energy that we have released throughout the past millennia after the fall of Atlantis. This was negative energy that came about due to our acceptance of the invaders into our world and consequent fall from grace and from the fifth dimension into the lower, dense levels of duality. As a collective, we brought this upon ourselves and now it is time for us to dig ourselves and the planet out of the mess we have found ourselves in.

Of course we are being assisted on many levels, but mostly we’re going to have to do the work. And to help, the spiritual hierarchy of the planet, the ascended masters of humanity, brought in troops (starseeds, walk-ins and lightworkers) to assist in infusing the planet with their light. And a huge flotilla of galactic ships was assembled and brought in to watch our skies and monitor the situation as it developed on the ground. Plans have been changed, adapted and changed again as the situation on the surface has changed, time after time. Dates have been announced and have gone by, much to the growing frustration and fatigue of the ground troops, the starseeds and lightworkers. And now, it seems that the planet herself is going out of control. It’s not; it just seems that way. And our erstwhile controllers would like you to believe that the planet is your enemy, just so they can keep you in fear and under control, for a little longer. It’s not going to work, is it, lightworkers?

No. We’re going to get our collective act together and win this battle for the Light. Despite outward appearances of growing chaos in the world, messages received from various sources assure us that ascension is going well, that a great “happening” is just around the corner. Well, we’ll see, won’t we! Or not.

The most important thing for everyone reading these words to do now is to cease looking outside you for confirmation. Seek those answers within. My messages are not going to solve anyone else’s problems. You will have to come with the solutions yourself, as your life experience is entirely unique to yourself. It is imperative for you to listen to yourself… or rather your Higher Self. Feel for messages that are encouraging, loving and unconditional. Messages that are filled with fear are not going to be emanating from higher sources. Messages that come through garbled are not clear. And if you are having difficulties receiving anything, for heaven’s sake, drop it and go on to an activity that is grounding and wholesome, like walking the dog, playing with your children, reading a good book, drawing or working with photography, gardening, even washing the dishes.

Part of the reason I dropped my channeling efforts earlier in my life was that I received the warning that I wasn’t grounded in my body enough to attempt such work. I have personally experienced the effects of what can happen to an individual who is overtaken by their own ego in the process of receiving “higher” messages; it isn’t pretty, but it was edifying for me. To be a channel is quite a responsibility, but ultimately, it is only a part of why I am here on the planet right now. I’m not going to try to make a living at doing channeling and certainly do not wish to take up “live” channeling or readings. I have little interest in that kind of work.

For me, writing has become a way to process my inner changes. If what I say here reflects what my readers feel that simply means that we are all managing to tune into our higher sources or at least a similar source. And if anything written here does not resonate with you, please, for your own sake, leave off reading these messages and find something that does resonate with you. Being a seeker doesn’t mean you need to leave your critical thinking cap behind. Use your native intelligence and your intuition, together, to determine what is best for you. Ultimately, each individual must be and will be responsible for everything that occurs in their life. If you give your power away by becoming dependent on these writings or on anyone else’s then you are not being a responsible adult; you are acting like a person who is unwilling to accept their own power. I cannot give you anything you do not have already, within yourself in great quantity. Believe in yourself. Believe that you are worthy of love. Believe that you can get through this difficult period of waiting on your own, under your own power and self-motivation.

I want to encourage all my readers to be mindful that our erstwhile controllers worked for many centuries to strip away our power, independence and autonomy. Now it is imperative that we seize our power back, claim, own it and wear it. I know that I am in the process of claiming and being comfortable in being a powerful woman, proud that I can manage to write a coherent sentence and humbled, at the same time that I have been given such a gift to share with others.

We are One, but before we come together fully in that realization, we need to act as individual adults, to accept responsibility for everything that occurs in our own lives, to cease blaming others… and ourselves as well. We need to learn to forgive ourselves, to accept ourselves as we are now and to know, really know that we are far greater than we can imagine. And we are going to be learning just how great in not so long a time from now. Just when – I don’t know – just be aware of the words by which Master Yeshua warned his followers so long ago — to have their loins girded about and their lamps well burning, even unto the third watch of the night, “for the Son of Man cometh at the hour when ye think not.” Be prepared, be watchful and vigiliant, be a compassionate observer of the world’s present folly and chaos and have your lamp well-lit – the flame of your heart burning with unconditional love, wisdom and power. Be thou patient, faithful and trusting that you will know what to do when the time comes for the energies of ascension to take you into a new world long prepared.

My blessings go with you.

I AM Elizabeth

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved.





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