Trusting Yourself – What Gets In The Way

Trusting Yourself – What Gets In The Way

5 Ways to Build Self Trust

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to discuss self trust and why it’s one of the most important qualities to develop for thriving and living in joy. Continue reading for background and how to build self trust.


Lack of trust is not something we were born with. Over time as we interacted with the world, we internalized a false perception of who we are and what we are capable of as infinite beings!

Most of us had little or no early life training about the human fear-based ego. That part of us creates anxiety and doubt, fearful of what might happen or what others might think. From an early age, our ego catalyzed worry about the ‘what ifs’ – which of course are impossible to control as they haven’t happened yet. This takes us out of the present, which is our only place of infinite power to create our life.

As I’ve often said, we can’t fire our ego. It’s part of being human. Even enlightened beings that have previously walked the Earth have egos, as long as they are in human bodies. We can learn to be present to our own ego – observing its maneuvers and discovering how to override them.

Tracking the ego is one of the essential tools I offer students in my Divine Changemakers courses. One focus of my upcoming “Spiritual Warrior Changemaker” course is learning to trust yourself on a deep level. I plan to create an audio process focused on this essential skill – that will help you embody your spiritual warrior! This is one of eight audio processes you can work with anytime anywhere. Meanwhile, below are 5 simple ways to build self trust.

5 Ways To Build Self Trust

Below are 5 simple things you can do to build self trust.

  1. Strive to become more present to your self talk. When you start ruminating about ‘what ifs’ – take your infinite power back and be present to the here and now.
  2. Notice when you tell yourself you cannot do something new, that naysayer voice inside your head reminding you that you haven’t done it before or can’t do it now.
  3. Become aware of when you compare yourself with others. Comparisons can be a trick of the ego. There’s only one YOU. Build self trust with intention, focusing your mind on your gifts and abilities. Trust that the Universe will orchestrate the perfect set of circumstances for you to express yourself in your unique ways.
  4. Learn to catch your ego’s self talk in present time, before you say or do something based on what you are hearing inside your head.
  5. When you find yourself distrustful of others, consider this a mirror to look into. The external world often reflects issues you have. To be sure, there are those who are not trustworthy. Those people are not YOU. Dive deep within yourself to examine your lack of trust – including early life situations and more recent ones that caused you to internalize lack of self trust.

Let me know your experience working with these ideas, and how your inner life and outer experience begin to transform!

Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses, Sessions

  • Energies – June 20 Solstice * June 21-22 Capricorn Full Moon * July 21 Capricorn Full Moon * August 4 Leo New Moon * August 19 Aquarius Full Moon * September 2 Virgo New Moon * September 17 Pisces Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse
  • Global Meditations – July 6 Cosmic Connections * August 17 Full Moon * September 21 Equinox – each meditation live on Zoom with professional sound (1.5 hours starting at 6:30pm PDT * call in at 6:15pm PDT for group sharing * benefit further by re-listening to the recording)
  • Divine Changemakers 2024 Course – “Spiritual Warrior Changemaker – Selacia’s brand-new 4-week course starting in September * more info & registration below
  • Divine Changemakers Courses to Join Anytime: “Dancing In The Fire of Change” * “ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth”
  • Divine Changemakers Dancing In The Fire Of Change Reset July 7-13
  • Personal Support & Astrology 1-1 Sessions – for deeper work – recorded on Zoom

Thank you for being here with me, and for ongoing support!

Wishing you love and blessings,



* All Rights Reserved *

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